
This lady wins Autocorrect Of The Week.





You know how you see those predict-a-text errors? And you laugh and wonder how on earth that could happen? I’m someone who reads these and thinks, “How the hell did that happen? Surely not!”.

However, I am now on the other side of it.

Friends, I dropped a clanger yesterday. So big and so bad and so very totally unaware. Honestly. It took me ages to work out what I had exactly said.

It started when I asked my friends on Facebook if anyone had a pair of forearm crutches that I could borrow while I am at a Writers’ Festival this week. From experience, the grounds at this Festival site are pretty uneven, and I do not want to anger my ankle this close to surgery.

So here we go:




Yup. I asked for foreskin crutches. Not forearm.

It continued:




Over forty comments later, and the madness continued:




It got even worse when my sister got in on the act: she sent me a text, saying “Sheepskin looks nothing like foreskin”. I thought about it, then replied with, “I meant forearm, not sheepskin”. At least I can blame auto-correct.

But here’s the thing: My particular phone won’t even predict its own brand name! Yet it’s quite happy to fling random foreskins into my social media.

So obviously, friends, I have to ask:

Have you had an autocorrect fail?

This post was origanally published on Kel Titchmarsh’s blog, The Naughty Corner of Social Niceties. It has been republished here with full permission.


Newcastle-based blogger Kel Titchmarsh spends a lot of time pushing the socially acceptable boundaries. The Naughty Corner of Social Niceties is where she reflects upon these times, and generally runs amok. 





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