A few weeks ago, I read something online that really got to me. It was on one of those Facebook mum forums that we’re all a part of. I usually just have a quick skim of these groups and continue my online shopping habit or go back to the pretty Instagram world. But in this instance, I couldn’t. I had to not only read the entire thread, but also respond. Why? Because this lady was me in my entire first year of motherhood.
This lovely mum had written in asking for some advice and support about her baby. She revealed that she was struggling, feeling overwhelmed and at her wits end. She asked the group if anyone had any experience with a “difficult or high needs baby”. At first, she was flooded with support and advice from those who’d also been in the same position. But then, in came the comments telling her it was all in her head and all new babies could be classified as “high needs or difficult”. And this was where I couldn’t be silent anymore and had to say something. Because there IS a difference. There is a MASSIVE difference between a “sometimes cranky normal baby” and a “can never be pleased high needs/difficult baby”. And I know this, first hand, because my entire first year of motherhood was spent trying to work this out.
Listen to Year One: Taking you baby home from the hospital for the first time. Post continues.
Before my baby was born I was totally prepared. I am an organiser, planner, researcher and maybe if we’re being honest, a little bit of a control freak. I had my birth plan, the car seat was in, baby books had all been read. I was ready to go. I knew there would be bad days where I’d stay in my pyjamas and let the dishes pile up, but then I also had visions of sitting in the sunshine sipping a coffee whilst by tiny baby slept peacefully in the pram. But then my girl came along who we had fought long and hard to conceive and all my visions and ideas of the parent I’d be and how we’d spend our days were thrown out the window. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Why? Because my friends, we had a textbook “high-needs/difficult baby” and that vision of sipping coffee whilst she slept in the pram, never, ever, happened, not once.