
'My 13-year-old son found my vibrator. It was my most embarrassing parent moment ever.'

A mortified mum experienced “the most embarrassing parent moment ever” when her 13-year-old son found her vibrator in the bathroom.

The Mumsnet user jumped on the forum and began a thread to discuss the embarrassment with fellow users.

Labelling the thread, ‘To think this could be the most embarrassing parent moment EVER?’ the mum, going my the screen name Saucisson2016, wrote: “13-year-old son found my rampant rabbit!!!”

“I told him someone bought it for me at my hen do as a joke and I was showing it to husband as a laugh. It was in the ensuite,” she added.

Saucisson2016 went on to disclose that the sex toy had been left out after she and her husband’s most recent session.

Yep, it's a facepalm moment. (Image via iStock.)

"Gutted. Me and DH  (darling husband) had a spare half hour earlier baby was asleep had a spot of afternoon delight with toys included and left it in there after the wash down..."

The mum would no doubt find some solace in the fact that she was not alone, with fellow users sharing equally mortifying stories.

"It's ok OP (original poster), I woke up one morning to my seven-year-old son waving the buzzing thing in my face," wrote one user, adding that she told him it was a kind of "medicine for ladies" and thought he believed her.

"A friend once caught her nine-year-old (son) waving hers around à la Luke Skywalker as a light sabre!" shared another Mumsnet user.

That's pretty awkward, but doesn't top these confessions from Mamamia staff about their most embarrassing sex moment. (Post continues after video)

She also could have been as unlucky as one user's friend, whose five-year-old child wanted to take her mum's vibrator into 'show and tell'.


Another user shared a particularly cringe-inducing tale.

"I bundled mine into a towel and threw it in the wash basket. DS was 4 found it, played with it and put it back without me knowing," she explained.

"Then asked me where Mr. Shakey had gone one day. I said who? He said Mr Shakey that lives in the wash basket."

The solution? She told him a completely acceptable 'mum lie'.

"He thinks it's an ear thermometer."

Listen to Mamamia's parenting podcast, This Glorious Mess. (Post continues after audio.)

If that wasn't enough to make Saucisson2016 feel better, there's the knowledge that it could have been worse. As one user pointed out, "At least he didn't walk in on you using it."

Unfortunately for some users, the thread brought up memories they had tried to repress.

"I also found my mum's when I was in my teens- I was mortified but tried forget I ever saw it. Your son will be the same," wrote one Mumsnet user.

"OMG this thread has brought back the memory of me finding my Mum's when I was about 13 or 14," wrote another

"No, now I want some brain bleach, it had been buried somewhere in my mind after so many years. How long till I can bury that memory again!"

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