
7 everyday things that might be hiding unexpected nasties.







We’re all taught to wash our hands after going to the toilet if we want to stay healthy. Simple, right? Well, maybe not. There are plenty of things we touch every day that are more germ-ridden than a toilet seat. We need to be exposed to some germs, but are we dealing with too many? And it’s not just germs that pose a potential health risk – the chemicals in everyday household products could also be bad news…

Here are some of the most common places germs and other nasties lurk.

1. Your computer keyboard.

Who doesn’t have lunch at their desk at least occasionally? Replying to emails while scoffing a sandwich saves time, right? Unless, of course, you end up having to take sick days because you’ve picked up something horrible while doing it. A British study found the average computer mouse is three times dirtier than a toilet seat, and carries twice as many bugs as the handle on a flushing toilet. Don’t forget to clean your keyboard and mouse regularly – it’s just as important as cleaning your toilet.

 Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Ecostore. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words. 

2. ATMs.

You think you’re withdrawing cold hard cash, but you could also be withdrawing a cold. Testing carried out in the US showed more than 40 per cent of ATM keypads carried cold and flu germs. Other germ-ridden surfaces include petrol pumps, escalator rails and the buttons at pedestrian crossings. Suddenly, religiously washing your hands before you eat doesn’t seem so extreme.


3. Your smartphone

Ever posted a status update while on the loo? You’re not the only one. A survey showed that one in six phones are contaminated with faecal matter. So if you check out Facebook on your phone at the same time as eating… well, you might be inviting tummy upsets. But toilet stops aren’t the only times your phone can pick up germs. It can pick them up any time you put it down in a public place – and those germs will thrive, because phones are warm. And this is the same phone you keep putting up to your face. Urgh.

4. Your handbag

How often do you wipe the handles on your handbag – or the bottom, which comes into contact with all sorts of filthy surfaces? American experts say leather handbags are the most likely to contain bacteria, because of the sponginess of the material. The inside of your handbag isn’t likely to be pristine either. Hand cream, lipstick and mascara can be bacteria-ridden, and then there’s that filthy phone, too. Be wary about putting food in your handbag.

5. Soaps and shampoos

So here you are, thinking you’re doing the right thing to get rid of germs by giving yourself a thorough clean. But certain chemicals, like triclosan (which is contained in many personal care products), could pose a risk to your health. Your insides have a sophisticated system to remove toxins, but your skin is not as well equipped.  Look for products with no nasty chemicals to stay on the safe side.



6. Household cleaners

We know cleaners deliver a sparkling finish, but do we know what’s in them? A recent review of household cleaning products by the US Environmental Working Group found only a small percentage listed their contents. When scientists investigated, they found carcinogens and chemicals harmful to the lungs. But not all brands are bad news, so shop around.

7. Laundry products

Again, how do we really know what’s in our laundry cleaners? Don’t be fooled by a fresh, outdoorsy smell – it’s most likely created by a synthetic chemical. We scoop up laundry products, use them to wash our clothes, then wear our clothes next to our skin all day and night.  Try to avoid products containing synthetic fragrances for the safety of ourselves and our families.




Are you a germaphobe?

And there is more where that came from. There are many other everyday places where nasties are hidden. Take a look! Warning: Germaphobes may want to look away.



is a principles-based company. We think everyone has a right to know exactly what’s in the products they use everyday and whether or not they could be harmful to our health. That’s why we go above and beyond legal requirements by listing every ingredient on our product labels and why you can count on us to deliver on our promise.

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  • Guaranteed to give excellent results.
  • Packaged in the best materials available.
  • Labelled with a full list of ingredients.
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