Fellow parents. Kids and nice restaurants don’t mix.
Parents, I’m just going to say it.
Please don’t bring your children out to restaurants.
I’m not talking about a blanket rule for all restaurants, but if I’m paying over $30 for a dish, I don’t want it served with a side of Peppa Pig playing loudly on mum’s phone while she scoffs her Chicken Kiev.
Now there are heaps of places where family dining is welcome. Many choices of eatery that wouldn’t bat an eyelid if your child did non-stop happy laps around the tables.
Not a question asked if your child decorates the floor with their margarita pizza and spends the entirety of the night squealing incessantly.
But please, stick to these places. Or at least choose an early sitting, say, before 7:30pm.
It seems I'm not alone in my feelings on the matter. A pub in the UK has recently got itself into hot water over a sign placed out the front. The Mirror reports, the sign read
"To avoid accidents or injury to your child whilst the little darling is running around this establishment...why not hand the little poppet to a member of staff who will be happy to nail it to the table for you."
While I think this is perhaps a bit extreme, the pub in question has responded to claims it's promoting child abuse by stating that the sign was meant as "a bit of fun" and meant as a reminder to parents to look after unruly children.
Pubs, I think children should be allowed in. Depending on the kind of place we're talking about, pubs are pretty family friendly.
I guess the general rule is perhaps kids menu = kids welcome. If there's no option for nuggets or kid-size spag bowl, go elsewhere.
My frustration comes from a rare night out with my husband. Without a lot of babysitting, dinner out for us is a rare treat. And it was his birthday.
Add to that a current hardcore savings schedule and you can imagine that going out to a restaurant doesn't happen often.