
Shocker, Hero and Whinger of the week.


Welcome to Mamamia Rogue’s Shocker, Hero and Whinger of the Week.

Here’s how it works: Each week, we pick the biggest Shocker, Hero and Whinger from the last seven days. Shocker is whatever moment or person left our jaws on the floor. Hero is whoever won the week by being flat-out amaze. And whinger? Well, that’s pretty much just someone who has had a major sooky-la-la moment.

Let’s do this.


Shocker of the week goes to…

This video, which compiles a bunch of past roles played by current actors on Game of Thrones. Joffrey playing a cute little kid in a super hero movie? Waaah? And Tyrion Lannister as – well, just watch:


Hero of the week goes to…

This pig, who thinks alarm clocks are for chumps. He wakes up to the sweet smell of a cookie being placed in front of his face. (Why exactly this pig was sleeping on a bed in the first place, we’ll never know.)


Whinger of the week goes to…

The man who is suing everyone in New York for…



Yes, that is a real number and yes, it’s more money than what currently exists on earth.

Anton Purisima, 62, filed a 22-page document with New York courts last week in which he announces his intention to sue about 30 different people (including the city, a dog owner and some Chinese tourists).

Apparently his middle finger was bitten by a rabies-infected dog and then a whole bunch of people made his day a whole lot worse by being really unhelpful and/or rude. He is so emotionally distressed that he considers the suffering he has endured ‘priceless’, which is why he decided to sue everyone for everything.

And in case you were wondering, two undecillion dollars is a 2 with 36 zeros after it. So this:


So yeah. Slightly more than you make in a year.





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Rogue is Mamamia’s space for fun, viral and random content, with everything from feminism to pop culture. We scour the internet so you don’t have to, and bring all the best bits back.


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