
A look inside the Hemsworth kids' lunchboxes leaves us with one major question.

Elsa Pataky is a brave woman.

The Spanish-born model, actress and film producer, who also happens to be married to Chris Hemsworth, has shared a photo of the contents of her kids’ lunchboxes.

If you’ve ever spent any time on social media, you’ll know this is a risky move. You see, no one, and I mean no one, can do motherhood correctly, and sharing what you feed your kids for lunch inevitably attracts an army of police, telling you you’re doing parenting wrong.

Of course, this wasn’t Pataky’s intention. She captioned her photo, ‘I’m running out of ideas for the kids lunchbox!’ followed by the hashtags #help #kids #kidsfood #needinspiration.

Inside the (incredibly organised) lunchboxes were:

  • Crackers
  • Peanut butter
  • Cheese
  • Strawberries
  • Kiwi fruit
  • Small sandwiches
  • Pasta
  • Cherries

Hundreds of Pataky’s fans commented, sharing their lunchbox ideas, like edamame, polenta fingers, zucchini slice, and chicken and coleslaw rolls (HA – yeah right.)

But, of course, other commenters found issues with the contents of the Hemsworth kids’ lunchboxes. ‘Not fun at all!,’ read one comment, presumably not aware that healthy lunchboxes aren’t necessarily meant to be ‘fun.’ Others still seemed to miss the point of Pataky’s post altogether, commenting ‘your (sic) so pretty.’

Mmm, yes.

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But the picture did leave us with a few questions.

Where’s the smeared Vegemite encrusted into the side of the lunchbox? Where’s the squished banana that seems to be in every crevice of the lunchbox and schoolbag? Furthermore, are the Hemsworth kids actually going to eat this? As a kid, I miraculously returned home from school with my packed lunch firmly intact more times that I can count. To this day, it still baffles my mum and I.

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But the biggest question we’re left with is this: How are the Hemsworth’s able to bring NUT PRODUCTS TO SCHOOL?!

Peanut butter?! Really? In 2016?!

NUT ALLERGIES PEOPLE. They’re everywhere. Peanut butter is like bringing a goddamn weapon to school.

All we can say is that either the Hemsworth kids go to the one school in Australia where nuts aren’t an issue, or their lunchboxes will be confiscated as soon as they enter the school gates.



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