real life

A mother's desperate plea for her daughter to come home

Michelle was waiting for her beautiful girl to come home to her on Saturday. She’s still waiting…

Michelle Dorendahl was looking forward to seeing her daughter Eeva on Saturday. After splitting with her partner 12 months earlier, they had successfully shared custody of the four-year-old. He’d even sent her a text to say they were on their way.

She had no idea that as she sat there waiting for her daughter to arrive, she may never see her again.

It’s been five days since Eeva and her father Greg Hutchings, 35 have been seen. Eeva had been staying at her dad’s home on the NSW north coast and was meant to be returned to her mother in Kin Kin. They were last seen on Pottsville Road at around 12.30.

The distraught mum is growing more panicked as each day passes. She turned to Facebook for help, asking friends to share this post about her missing daughter:

So far it has been shared 30,000 times.

An extensive search involving police in multiple states, water police, pol air and the SES has failed to find any sign of them. Authorities are concerned they are hiding in bushland and fear that Hutchings may not be properly prepared for the hot weather. They have asked the public for help in finding them and have directly appealed to the desperate dad to return his daughter safely.

Detectives were yesterday seen at his Pottsville unit seizing several items.

Hutching's family is now claiming that an international custody dispute is behind his decision to flee with his daughter however Michelle disputes this, saying it's untrue that she was planning to return home to Finland.


She posted the following comment on her Facebook page this morning:

Getting a little out of hand? Listening to unreliable, one-sided sources tends to lead to bullshit stories. Am tempted to correct all the ways in which this story is untrue .. I guess bullshit sensationalism is exciting for some. How sad that journalists who are just after a story have no interest in the true facts.

How about we just find them and bring Eeva home safely.

This post followed claims today by Hutching's family that he feared losing touch his daughter. His mum, Diana, 55, told the Daily Telegraph, "This is the only way he can get his daughter." She claims Michelle had arranged for a Finnish passport for Eeva and said the Attorney-General's office is aware of the dispute.

Hutchings and Eeva

A spokeswoman for Attorney-General George Brandis said, "The Attorney-General's Department does not confirm or provide comment on Hague child cases to protect the privacy of those involved."

Mr Hutchings's sister Sheri then said her brother and niece were happy last time she saw them but knew he was worried she'd be taken to Finland and he would hardly see her. "I know my brother better than most people," Ms Hutchings said. "She's the number one reason for him doing anything."

Michelle said, "I can't tell you what Greg is thinking but I can confirm that I have no intention of leaving Australia and I have made this blatantly clear with Greg."

Greg is 175 cms tall with short brown curly hair. He has a thin build and was last seen wearing a black long sleeve shirt and grey trousers. He was carrying a backpack.

Eeva has long blond hair and blue eyes. She was last seen wearing a blue and white coloured shirt and board shorts.

If you have any information please call Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.

Images provided

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