real life

Meet a mum who is dying from breast cancer.

Heather McManamy has stage IV breast cancer.

The fact that she has to suffer from breast cancer is horrible enough.

The fact that she’s only 35 years old is horrible too.

But the fact that she will be leaving behind her husband, Jeff, and their four-year-old daughter, Brianna, is heart breaking.

“It’s heartbreaking to know that my family is going to be sad and go through a painful loss without me to comfort them. That is the hardest part of all this some days,” McManamy tells Yahoo Parenting.

Heather McManamy with Brianna. Image via Facebook.

But what's she is doing is so incredible, it brought everyone in The Motherish office to tears.

McManamy is writing a card to her daughter to open when she's passed away. A card for every moment of her life. Like her wedding day. Or when she has a baby. For every birthday (right up until she turns 30).

“I hope that she’ll feel my unconditional love for her and know that I’m still with her. I hope she can feel the pride I’ll have for her on big days and my hugs on tough ones. And know that I love her with my whole heart forever and ever. No matter what.”

Heather McManamy with Brianna. Image via Facebook.

McManamy gave an interview with local news channel NBC15.

The cancer has metastasised in her bones and liver, and while she hopes to make it to her daughter's first day of Kindegarten, she's making sure she's there for her daughter through the beautiful letters.

Image via NBC15.

McManamy knows that her daughter might not want to read the cards, it might be too hard for her. But that's okay. McManamy just wants to make sure her daughter knows that she tried everything she could to be in her life as long as possible.

You can watch the full interview here:

McManamy encourages everyone to write letters and cards to their loved ones. She says such a simple act is so beautiful.

McManamy and her family are in our thoughts as they go through this difficult time.

Share your thoughts below for the McManamy family.

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