
The simple changes you can make today, to help you become a whole lot healthier.

Before we had children, my husband and I used to joke that as far as our health was concerned, on some days we would eat salads and exercise and other days we’d eat chocolate cupcakes in bed and refuse to put pants on. This is what we used to consider “balance”.

healthy habits
"Balance when you have children however, is a completely different thing." Image via iStock.

Balance when you have children however, is a completely different thing. And I’m the first to admit that I get a little bit overwhelmed by the groundhog day sensation that comes with keeping my family happy, fed and healthy.


But really, after a little bit of thought, I realised that with a few simple changes to our lives, we could become a whole lot healthier.

Change one: Riding/walking to school instead of driving.

Hey, I’m the first one to admit that this isn’t always easy, especially when you live in a cold place that isn’t exactly conducive to being out in the elements. But now that spring has sprung and the warmer weather is upon us, let’s not only do our bit for the environment but also our health, and walk, ride or scooter to school (or at least part of the way). This doesn’t mean that every day we MUST only ride to school but even one day is better than the zero we are achieving right now. It’s all about finding a balance.

"Now that spring has sprung and the warmer weather is upon us, let’s not only do our bit for the environment but also our health, and walk, ride or scooter to school (or at least part of the way). Image via iStock.

Change two: Reading the sugar content on things.

Now, this doesn’t mean you can’t have any sugar, or any other carbohydrate. Because to cut out any one-food group is, by definition, unbalanced. It’s about having the knowledge to make better decisions that lead you towards a healthier diet.

As a busy working mum trying to gather some quick, convenient items that I know will survive in their lunch boxes, it can be hard to know whether the snacks and drinks I’m swiping off the shelf are loaded with added sugars. So, to change my family’s eating habits for the better, all I need to do is to read the sugar content in products, and choose the ones that add less of it. It means taking a little more time to read the labels and not freaking out about the total sugars (because they include the natural ones) but checking the ingredients for any added sugars.

By choosing the lowest sugar foods and not sweating the small stuff, like the sugar in fruit (because seriously, it’s essential we all get the necessary two serves per day and all the vitamins and minerals they provide) we’ve made a small healthier change that the kids will probably not even notice.

" By choosing the lowest sugar foods and not sweating the small stuff, like the sugar in fruit " Image via iStock.

Change three: Get off devices.

No, don’t freak out, I don’t mean ditch them forever, I just mean we should be looking at them less and getting outdoors, more. Simple huh? So why then, can I look around and see all three of my kids with their noses pointed at a rectangular glowing screen when there is beautiful sunshine going wanting outside? It’s far too easy to let them do this (especially when it keeps them quiet) but it is not good for them in the short or long term.

Put simply, changing up your life in a week with these three simple tips can be the difference between having a healthy family and an unhealthy one.


It’s simple, easy and best of all, can be done when you wake up tomorrow. So what are you waiting for?

"Changing up your life in a week with these three simple tips can be the difference between having a healthy family and an unhealthy one." Image via iStock.

What other healthy lifestyle changes would you suggest?

TAP and scroll through the gallery for some inspiration on simple, healthy (and seriously delicious) snacks…

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