When they placed Indie on my chest, I knew I was ready to start breastfeeding. I had been so determined throughout my pregnancy, I had read everything and asked for advice and help. I made sure I didn’t buy any formula. I looked at people’s photos and read forums daily. I was sure I had it in the bag.
The first couple of days were fantastic. She latched perfectly. And I would love how close she was to me.
However the ripped skin started and the pain of the first few minutes started. I used Medela Purelan religiously and then I started using nipple shields by day three which made it much easier. I wish I used them earlier on. With no milk still in sight, Indie lived off my breast taking as much colostrum as she could. Left to right, right to left.
Then night of day two came and all visitors had gone home. I was laying there and just crying. I was in so much pain and there was a newborn who needed me and I couldn’t even give her what she needed yet. The midwife came in a took Indie for a few hours and I sobbed myself to sleep. I pretty much resembled a hungry newborn.
I woke the next morning feeling much better and we started the day fresh. Indie was still trying to get my milk in but she was going great with getting colostrum. We went home on Friday day three and everything was great. She was perfect Friday night. Saturday was spent lounging around feeding Indie, painful but not excruciating.
It wasn’t until I went to have a shower Saturday afternoon I noticed I had red lumps all over my breasts. I tried to massage them out in the shower. I tried to express using my Medela pump and nothing worked. Saturday night was my worst night. Indie was on my boob all night. I was in agony. Nolan would watch on as he saw me crying trying to feed a newborn.