
'I accidentally had a foursome with my best friend.'

I made a new best friend at age 39. My BFF and I shared a love of champagne, Neil Diamond and the beach. Not long after meeting we decided to go into business together. 

She was extremely sexy. On a Friday night, we would head out to a bar, where within minutes, she would have men buzzing around her like seagulls on a chip. She reminded me of Jennifer Aniston and flaunted her body under tight, revealing clothes. With a few bubbles under her belt, she was a bloke magnet, while I remained on the sidelines, like a footballer on the bench.

As our trust and friendship grew, she told me more and more about her personal life, which included Swinging, orgies and lovers she met a few times a year. She said it enriched her sex life with her husband and as they had a fairly open marriage, there was no guilt. One lover she told me about, was an extremely handsome and wealthy Greek man. They would have lunch, and then retire for an afternoon of fabulous sex on his yacht, being gently rocked by the ocean. He was also married with two young kids. It was discreet, hot and fun she said. I was enthralled by her. I was also competitive and in a sexless marriage and just like that movie; I wanted what she was having.  

"Do you think Mr Greek has a nice friend for me?" I asked over a boozy lunch one day. "I can ask," she replied. 

As it turned out, Mr Greek did have such a friend – who was keen to meet.

Watch: Sexologist Chantelle Otten shares her steamiest sex tips every couple can try. Post continues after video.

Video via Instagram/@chantelle_otten_sexologist.

Apparently this friend had a reputation for having a fabulous energetic tongue, which he put to good use.

To make sure there was chemistry, the four of us met for lunch. My BFF was right. Mr Greek was to die for. Mr Greek's friend was less attractive, but there was something quite sexy about him – in that muscly, gold necklace, confident 'man's man' sort of way. I tried to get a glimpse of his tongue as he ate his calamari.

We agreed to a 'play date' in another week (an afternoon in a two-bedroom suite, at an expensive hotel which they agreed to pay for.)

My BFF and I got to the hotel an hour before 'the boys'. Clad in sexy underwear and suspenders we quickly gulped down a bottle of champagne, listening to Hot August Night, giggling excitedly. 

I was full of questions. So will we be in separate rooms? How will it start? How do we make sure they use condoms? Do you get undressed or leave your suspenders on? I am a control freak and was way out of my comfort zone. This being the first time in years that I'd be having sex with anyone other than my husband

They arrived late – by which time we had started on our second bottle, Neil on repeat. The four of us sat down for a shared apéritif before Mr Greek led BFF to one of the bedrooms. That was the signal for Mr Greek's friend to lead me to the other smaller room (a pecking order it seemed where the beautiful couple got the better room).

Mr Greek's friend got undressed slowly, so I could see the ripple of his biceps before he removed his jeans and jocks, unveiling his large penis, nestling in a very, very hairy groin. We kissed for a bit before his famed tongue went into action. He then put on a condom (with ease, and a fluidity which did not interrupt the flow) and we proceeded to have sex – in just about every position you could imagine. I was thankful for my yoga practice, and flexible body. 

After a while, I was semi-alarmed to see Mr Greek and BFF enter our room and sit on the bed next to us. I looked at BFF for a lead on what to do next. She shrugged slightly, smiled nonchalantly and lay down next to me. With our men on either side of us, BFF and I began to kiss softly. I followed my BFF's lead, as we caressed each other's bodies. Before this, the last and only time I had kissed a girl, was at a sleepover, aged 12, where a group of us decided to practice 'pashing' in readiness for the real thing with a boy. 

I had never harboured any sexual interest in a woman and described myself as entirely heterosexual, but this encounter felt natural, and the intense horny gazes of the two men were a real turn-on. It was like being in a soft porn movie. BFF and I moved closer, kissed a bit longer, moving to each other's breasts. At this point, the men swapped places, and I found myself madly pashing Mr Greek who truth be told I found far more of a turn-on than his friend. Fresh condoms were put on. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed BFF leave the room, and I was left with the two men. I was awash with hands, mouths and penises. While fun, at this point, the alcohol had worn off, and I was too in my head, worrying about how I looked and was performing to have an orgasm, so I ended up doing a wonderful job of faking it – which brought the afternoon to a close. 

Listen to Sealed Section where sexologist Chantelle Otten answers all the questions you're too afraid to ask your friends. Post continues below.

With the two men leaving to go back to work, BFF and I showered and exhaustedly sat down for a cup of tea. "Why did you leave me with the two of them?" I asked over my Earl Grey and hotel cookie. "I wanted you to have fun," she replied. "Plus, I had had enough."

"Were you jealous?" I asked. I saw a flicker of an expression which hinted that she was, but she covered it up and shook her head. "God no," she responded. She laughed off our own encounter – BFF had quite a few experiences with women so it was less of a big deal to her than it was for me. We agreed to not mention it again and went back to normal friendship and running our business. A secret that for nearly 20 years has remained well and truly locked away.

The author of this story is known to Mamamia but has chosen to remain anonymous for privacy reasons.

Feature image: Canva.

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