Having a baby now, would be a totally different experience.
It’s almost eight years since I fell pregnant for the first time.
Eight years… wow has that flown.
In the grand scheme of things, eight years isn’t much but, in the parenting world, I have learnt it is a long time.
I think in those eight years both feeding and sleeping recommendations for babies have changed at least twice, maybe more.
Target’s also finally got a maternity section (no word of a lie, my local Target had no maternity section back then) and baby brands that didn’t exist eight years ago are now raking in millions each year.
So much has changed and if I ever went back to have another, there are so many things I’d do differently.
Here are 7 of those things:
1. Not buy stupid crap.
Babies are big business and someone somewhere will try to sell you some useless piece of crap you will never use. Or you’ll use once and forget about. As a first time mum this is exciting. Now, this would not excite me. I want the cheapest most useful items only. Nappy bin. No. Bottle Warmer. No. Fancy, ridiculously hard to clean high chair. No. Nappies, wipes and jumpsuits. That’s basically all I’d need for a newborn.
Check out some weird baby inventions in this video. Post continues after video.
2. Take more videos.
I convinced my partner to buy me a video recorder when our first baby was about six months old. It was digital and I thought that was so cool, but even then I still only really got it out for special occasions. iPhones weren’t released until 2007 and Samsung Galaxies about 2009.
I didn’t get a smart phone till about 2010 and I generally didn’t carry around our video recorder in my handbag. I’d definitely take more videos if I had a baby now.
3. Take a chill pill and not sweat the small stuff.