Recently I was sent an article entitled “30 things a woman should have and know by the time she is 30″.
Instantly I was interested, I had a burning desire to know if I had satisfied the list’s requirements. Deep down I knew I was probably headed for crushing failure and a loss of purpose in my life but I HAD TO SEE!
The list was first published in 1997 in an American publication called “Glamour magazine” and was quite popular. Hillary Clinton apparently forwarded it onto her friends who I imagine included Oprah, Madonna and Meryl Streep.
If you’d like to read all of the 30 things, you’ll need to go and do your own research, but why bother when I have conveniently paraphrased 8 of the best ones (and my responses to them) right here!
1. You must own a decent piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in your family.
Define “decent” Glamour magazine?? Do you mean one that does’t have Weetbix welded to it or unidentifiable odours? I have 2 kids and a dog, I’m pretty sure no one at your office would deem any of it decent..
2. Possess something perfect to wear if the employer or man of your dreams wants to see you in an hour.