
Harvey Weinstein is living in luxury and working on a new film... about himself.


Another planet with no women, where money means nothing, orbiting the sun at a distance that’s either uncomfortably hot or causes a perpetual state of shivering. That’s where you might expect disgraced filmmaker Harvey Weinstein currently resides.

But he doesn’t.

Not unless the “other planet” means a luxury sex rehabilitation clinic in Arizona that costs AU$74,000 for 45 days (money must mean something, on that planet) and where patients can languish on deck chairs by the pool and in cabins surrounded by cacti.

At least there’s no women. It’s a men-only clinic offering its services to the likes of Weinstein, 65, who has been accused by more than 60 women of sexual assault and, in some cases, rape.

His habit of extreme sexual exploitation was made public in October last year and triggered a waterfall of allegations against powerful men across a range of industries. It’s a reckoning that has changed Hollywood, and seen a worldwide surgence of women standing up to their abusers.

But the world of Weinstein’s continues, The New York Times reports. And, in it, he moves between his home in New York’s West Village, his Tudor cottage in California, and the 38-acre sex rehabilitation clinic in Arizona.

“Patients wake up at 6:30 a.m. and begin the day with meditation,” the expose reads. “Breakfast (organic, farm-raised) starts at 7:15.”

There are trauma therapists, dietitians, psychologists, psychiatrists and other clinicians all there to help patients understand their behaviour. It’s a “rigorous” program, according to the Times, and is nicknamed the ‘Brutal Path’.


“From 4pm to 5pm, they can choose from ‘ancillary activities’ like art therapy, yoga or Tai Chi. Dinner begins at 5, with 12-step meetings at 6 p.m. After 7, it’s lights out,” the editorial reads.

Brutal or not, there are worst planets to be banished to.

Extra: The Harvey Weinstein Saga – Unpacked. Post continues below.

The most alarming factor, however, is that Weinstein is still working.

He is still calling his contacts in Hollywood, the Times reports, and he is working on a film to tell his own story. Documentary-style, in an attempt at redeeming himself.

Hopefully, Weinstein’s actions won’t go without punishment. Investigators are still working on the potential criminal charges against him, and the 65-year-old is also facing civil suits. His company, The Weinstein Company, is filing for bankruptcy and facing civil suits also.

He and his wife, fashion designer Georgina Chapman, are divorcing in a settlement reportedly worth more than $15 million dollars. And there’s no word on how he and his five children (four daughters and one son) are moving past the huge, sickening shadow of his actions.

But, as he waits for the police and for the world to move forward, he is doing so in unspeakable luxury.

He is dining out and receiving the best therapy money can buy. He has his organic meals cooked for him, and he still hopes to work again.

From the outside, his planet appears neither too hot nor too cold and this, for his accusers and the rest of us watching, is a difficult reality to swallow.

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