
'So they just pursued it.' Why Harry Connick Jr's three daughters all live in Australia.

When Harry Connick Jr brought his family to Australia for work, he didn't expect his kids to love it as much as they did.

The jazz singer and actor moved to Sydney with his wife, Jill Goodacre, and daughters when he appeared on Australian Idol in 2023. He and Goodacre have since returned to America, but his daughters haven't.

"They're in school and working and they're having a good time down there," Connick told People Magazine recently.

"Georgia and Kate had been there a couple of times when they were little with me on tour, so they always wanted to go back. And then when Charlotte got down there, she loved it too," he said.

Connick Jr and Goodacre have three daughters, Georgia, Kate and Charlotte, who are all in their 20s, and living in Sydney.

"It's the best," their youngest Charlotte said of the city on ABC Radio Sydney

Image: Instagram/@georgiaconnick


Connick Jr told People their reasoning for staying in Australia came down to "a combination of things".

"First and foremost, the people are just incredibly kind and welcoming," he explained.

"It's a beautiful country. The food down there is among the best in the world. It's clean air. Just the quality of life is great. The pace is relaxed."

He and Goodacre came to visit them twice last year.

"My wife, she likes travelling, but if she can avoid it she does; this is her second time here this year. She just absolutely loves it," he said.

Connick Jr met Goodacre, a former Victoria's Secret model, in 1990.

"I was staying in [Los Angeles]. Jill walked past me at the hotel pool, and I introduced myself," he told Glamour in 2007.

"She had a really strong handshake. If that had been it between us, just that moment, I would've thought about it for the rest of my life."

Goodacre knew instantly he would be her husband. 

"What's really funny is that [Jill] called her mum that night and said, 'I met the guy I'm going to marry.' Of course, she didn't let me know," he told GQ.


Image: Instagram/@harryconnickjr

Four years later, the pair married in New Orleans, before welcoming their first daughter in 1996. They later had Sarah in 1997 and then Charlotte in 2002.

"I wouldn't change having three daughters for anything," Connick Jr later told The Guardian. "I love learning about women and every day that goes by I'm more aware of how incredible women are."

He continued, "I think it's something you have to study as a man, and I'm so lucky to have four women in my immediate family from whom I can gain perspective and be inspired and learn from. I'm in awe of women and everything they endure."


In 2017, singer and model Goodacre publicly spoke about her breast cancer battle. After being diagnosed in 2012, she chose to share her journey on the five-year milestone.

"It wasn’t like we were superstitious, like if we said something about being in the clear we'd somehow jinx it," she told People.

"But we wanted to be well on the other side of things before we told everybody. The doctors all say that after the five-year mark, things look optimistic, so we're starting to feel pretty good."

Connick Jr lost his mother to ovarian cancer at 13 years old and confessed his own wife's diagnosis "scared" him.

"I was scared I was going to lose her, absolutely. I wasn't going to let her see that, but I was. I know from losing my mom that the worst can happen. She's my best friend, and I really don't know what I would do without her."

Image: Instagram/@harryconnickjr


In 2009, Connick Jr was in Australia and was part of the Red Faces segment on Hey Hey It's Saturday: The Reunion when a group of men performed a Jackson 5 song in blackface. 

The racist act was slammed by Connick Jr, who didn't return to the country until 2023. "I left the country not long after that show, so I wasn't really privy to a lot of the comments,'' he told TV WEEK.

''But the comments that I did hear, people seemed to be appreciative of being made aware of something that maybe they didn't know a lot about, because my comments on the show were with regard to the history of minstrelsy in America.

''I've never been shy about speaking about something that I think needs to be discussed.''

This article was originally published in November 2023, and has since been updated with new information. 

Feature image: Getty.

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