
I'm on to you, Victoria Beckham...

A very proud celebrity mum posted some of her daughter’s art today. But this writer smells a rat…

I’m on to you, Victoria Beckham.

I’m on to you because you should see some of the art I have on my walls at home.

I live with two very talented artists. I’m talking about the ones aged two and four. They’re amazing. The colour choices, the original compositions, the freehand expression…

It’s one of the many things I have in common with VB (like… um, hair). Because today, she posted this picture of art done by her totally adorable two-year-old daughter, Harper.

It's very chic, right? But here's why I'm on to you, VB...

The very beautiful Harper has fashion in her blood. Here she is front row with Dad and Anna Wintour at New York Fashion Week.

Those amazing artworks that take pride of place on my kids' bedroom walls.

I did them.

Well, I did them with my kids. You know like, "Oh. Sweetie, don't you think that would look better in red, not black, and maybe over here.... no, no, not there... HERE."

I may even 'finish them off' after the kids have lost interest, just so I know I'm not going to hate looking at them for the next few months. You know, the old splodge of glitter here, an artistic, abstract brush stroke there.


I am not alone in doing this. Any parent knows that there is a LOT of kids' artwork that does not pass the wall test. I do not celebrate and Pin every scribbled stick figure that comes home crumpled in my daughter's preschool bag. Most of those go into the recycling bin, under something the kids will never be tempted to lift.

Victoria went on to reveal what Harper was playing with - the perfect companion for a fashion designer's daughter:

So, you know, not so hard to stick a couple of stickers down on a paper doll, but still, I'd bet my last Zara handbag that Victoria did a bit of guiding in the placement department.

Because let's face it, we all do.

Yes, all of our kids are talented and lovely. But generally, we've got better taste.

Do you "help" your kids with their artwork a little too much?

Like this, try:

How do you teach a celebrity kid the value of money? Ask David Beckham.

I got in trouble for not finishing my son't homework. 

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