
The Netflix movie that's one of the most relatable rom-coms we've seen in recent years.

It’s the morning of Mollie and Sam’s third anniversary when Mollie decides she’s not happy.

“I miss the person I met three years ago,” she tells her boyfriend.

The ‘old Sam’ was romantic and, somewhere along the way, Mollie believes he just “stopped wooing” her.

When he argues that he drove to buy her favourite scone to make her breakfast in bed for their anniversary, Mollie says it’s actually his favourite scone, which she only pretended to love the first time she tried it because she knew how much he loved it.

“My guess is you probably woke up this morning craving them, and you knew you had to do something nice for our anniversary, so you decided to kill two birds… with one scone,” she says.

Mollie and Sam are an entirely fictional couple whose story is at the centre of Netflix’s newest original movie, Happy Anniversary. For the next 78 minutes, the duo revisit some of the most memorable moments – both good and bad – from their relationship to determine whether they should stay the course, or call it quits.

Watch: The trailer for Netflix’s Happy Anniversary.

Video via Netflix

And although their argument over a scone – and the others they have throughout the film – may seem ridiculous, it’s actually one nearly every couple who’s been together for longer than a few years can relate to.


One time, for reasons that are no longer relevant (aka, I honestly cannot remember) I poured an entire juice box into the lap of my then-boyfriend (now husband) while he was driving me to work.

Another time, we fought over the fact he had put the fitted sheet and the towels in the dryer at the same time, which meant nothing dried completely because the dryer’s spinning motion meant everything got stuck INSIDE THE SHEET.

Happy Anniversary Netflix movie
The quirky comedy follows Mollie and Sam as they figure out whether or not they should stay together. Image via Netflix.

There have been fights on the way to weddings and engagement parties, fights about buying the wrong birthday gift and fights about... honestly nothing at all but we were angry.

It all sounds rather dysfunctional, but watching Mollie (played by Noël Wells of Master of None fame) and Sam's (Parks and Recreation's Ben Schwartz) story play out on the screen made me feel a bit more normal about the roller coaster that's been my long-term love story.

Many rom-coms focus on 'getting the girl', or the seemingly endless search to find 'The One'. Rarely are we presented with a behind-the-curtains peek at the everyday life of a long-term relationship struggling to figure out if the drama is going to be worth it.

In Happy Anniversary, Mollie isn't sure it is. She knows no relationship is perfect, but she wants to find the most "perfectly imperfect" love she can.

"It's not called 'gently reclining' in love. It's called falling in love," Sam reminds her.

"Yeah, it could hurt, but you're never gonna know unless you jump off the f***ing ledge."

Happy Anniversary Netflix movie
Should they stay or should they go? Image via Netflix.

The film is a reminder that love can sometimes be a struggle. Not only finding it, but managing to keep it. Spending years and years with someone means getting on each other's nerves. It means putting up with the things your partner does that just don't... understand.

And sometimes, just sometimes, you want to throw your hands in the air and scream 'SURELY THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER WAY?!'

As an added bonus, it's also really, really funny and it has just enough quirk to make you feel 'cool' but not so much that it's filled with hipster references you won't understand. Plus it stars a pretty adorable dog and if that's not a reason to watch I don't know what is.

While I won't give away Happy Anniversary's ending, I will say this: it's definitely worth a watch if you've ever found yourself crying in the middle of a supermarket for no other reason than love can seem like awfully hard work.

Listen to Entertainment Editor Laura Brodnik's exclusive interview with Constance Zimmer, aka Quinn from UnReal, on the latest episode of The Binge:

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