
There are only two ages where women are at their happiest, but we're calling bullsh*t.


Picture this: You’re 16 again.

With a face full of sore pimples and some metal braces in your mouth, you’re terribly busy trying to get away with wearing your school dress above the knee and wondering if the person you like likes you back.

You’re also grappling with some intense, hormone-fuelled emotions, might not have that many friends and you think you’re ugly. It was a great time, being a teenager, wasn’t it?

Now, imagine a scientist in a lab coat walking up to your teenage self and telling you this, right here and now, is the happiest you’ll ever be in your life. Well, until you get to 70.

This sums up the findings from a new happiness survey and sorry, but we’re calling bullsh*t.

Side note – here are some science-approved hacks to feel happier, fast. Post continues after video.

Video by MMC

According to the intelligent, studied folks behind a Resolution Foundation paper published on Wednesday, data proves people have the ‘best wellbeing’ two times in their lives.

Once at 16, and again at 70.

It’s a curve, you see. The research found people tend to be happier, more satisfied and feel a greater sense of self-worth in their teens and later in life.

We imagine their data to look something like this:

Guess it makes sense when you see it like this... Image: Supplied.

But can we just go back to the bit where we were apparently the happiest we'll ever be in high school?

The Guardian reports Resolution Foundation found happiness and wellbeing was impacted by a number of factors: income, good health, a job, relationships and where you live.

Coincidentally, these are all things your 16-year-old self most likely didn't have to deal with. Ergo, happiness.

It's important to point out this is a British-based study, but surely British teenagers aren't happy than Aussie teens, right? We have beaches and sunshine. They have rain and gloom. Not possible.

The study concludes improving our sense of wellbeing is "the central political challenge of our times."

In that case, looks like we've got a heck of a long wait to be happy again. Fun.

Do you think this happiness survey is accurate? At what age do you think people are their happiest?

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