
Sunday's news in under 5 minutes.

 We’ve rounded up all the latest stories from Australia and around the world – so you don’t have to go searching.

1. Australia opens its first “hangover clinic”, leaving health experts outraged.

Australia’s first hangover clinic has recently opened its doors in the suburbs of Sydney, but has left several health experts outraged.

The center, which is named, offers consumers “revolutionary IV hangover treatments” that have been sourced from all over the world, including London, New York, Las Vegas and San Francisco.

The Image via Facebook.

On the website it writes,

“Sometimes, we just overdo it. Might be a BBQ at a mate’s place, or drinks with the girls, but since time began we’ve all been known to overindulge on the drinks, or our hectic schedules just run us down.

“In as little as 30 minutes, we’ll have you off the couch feeling fresh and ready to tackle the day ahead…”

The clinic sprouts three hangover remedies, including “The Resurrection” and then three health and fitness boosters that are priced between $140 – $200.

Despite the seemingly innocent advertising, health experts have warned that the clinic’s opening further perpetuates a harmful drinking culture in Australia.

The Australian Drug Federation, as told to 9NEWS, labelled the practice “unethical” and “totally unnecessary”.

Is the practice “unethical”?

The chief executive of the Public Health Association of Australia, Michael Moore, echoes the sentiments of the ADF.

“This encourages people to use alcohol in an entirely inappropriate way,” Moore told the Sydney Morning Herald, “and it’s something the government should look at very, very carefully.


“After all the hard work that has been done to reduce the harm associated with alcohol…this is ridiculous.”

The co-founder of the, Max Petro, has defended its operations, claiming that it does not encourage binge drinking.

“We don’t serve alcohol. We are not a pub. We encourage binge drinking as much as hospitals encourage people to get sick.”

2. Historic agreement finally reached on climate change in Paris. 

The French foreign minister, Laurent Fabius, has finally called to an end the official discussions on a climate change agreement after a fortnight of negotiations.

After banging his gavel the minister declared, “I see the room, I see the reaction is positive, I hear no objection. The Paris climate accord is adopted.”


The deal, which has been endorsed by a number of world leaders, sets out to restructure economies by operating as fossil-fuel free, and slow the rate of global warming to at least 1.5 degrees Celsius. Additionally, it provides billions of dollars to assists less economically developing countries to face the challenges of climate change and transition to emissions-free economies.


Foreign minister, Julie Bishop, has commended the work done in Paris, with only some hesitations.

“Our work here is done and now we can return home to implement this historic agreement,” Bishop said.

“No country would see this as the perfect outcome. Certainly it does not include everything that we envisaged. However, this agreement does give us a strategy to work over coming years and decade to build the strong and effective action the world needs.”

3. Mother admits to using cannabis oil to treat son who has ADHD.

Cherie Dell is a mother to five children, with their three-year-old daughter, Abbey, suffering a rare genetic disorder called CDKL5, and her five-year-old son, Wyatt, diagnosed with autism and ADHD.

Abbey, whose genetic disorder causes her to experience violent seizures, has been legally medicated with medicinal cannabis oil to help control her condition.


However, authorities are now investigating Mrs Dell for also treating her son, Wyatt, with cannabis oil for his ADHD.

The Herald Sun reports that Wyatt’s disorder often causes him to be extremely violent, stating that he has even thrown tables around his grade one class.

The extreme violence and subsequent impacts the family suffered led Cherie to also treat Wyatt with the same cannabis oil she used for Abbey. Mrs Dell claims that the cannabis oil has had a number of positive impacts on Wyatt’s behaviour.


“He is calmer, he is not having outbursts,” she says, “we don’t have as many issues with him hurting his brothers and sisters.”

Despite the benefits she reports, authorities are allegedly treating the mother “like a criminal”, as the treatment of cannabis oil on ADHD and autism still remain illegal. “I would never do anything to harm any of my children, I am only doing what I think is best.”

The department of Family and Community Services has advised that whilst compassion may motivate the use of cannabis oil on treating a variety of disorders, it still have to be “supported by strong science”.

4. Memorial of the Sydney Siege has been revealed.

The New South Wales Premier, Mike Baird, has finally revealed the design of the permanent memorial of the Sydney Siege at Martin Place.

The Premier announced that the design would both honour those who died at the scene, and then pay tribute to the survivors. Inspired by the masses of flowers left after the siege, that occurred this time last year, hundreds of floral cubes will be laid into the pavement of Martin Place.

The design has been described by the designer, Professor Richard Johnson, as a “scattered starburst pattern” and “quietly reflective”.

The design of the memorial.

The Premier had admired the design, saying the flowers “showed everyone across the city was prepared to stop what they were doing. “We are very proud of this city and that those that might want to come and bring hate, we have another message, we come together and respond in love.”

Mr Baird paid tribute to Katrina Dawson and Tori Johnson who both lost their lives in the siege. “I said at the time that Katrina and Tori would be in our hearts forever and they will be.

“At the same time we never want to forget how we say the city and state come together. My hope is on that day we focus in on what brought us together rather than those forces that tried to drive us apart.”

5. Saudi Arabian women vote for the first time. 

Women from Saudi Arabia have been legally able to vote for the first time in the municipal council elections. The historic step to allow women the vote has left masses of women celebrating, stating that they now have a voice.


One woman, Awatef Marzooq, was ecstatic after she cast her vote for the very first time.

“I cried. This is something that we only used to seen on television taking place in other countries.”

More than 900 women ran for seats in the election, however are competing against 6000 male candidates.

Despite the changes to the law, sexist oppression is still rife in Saudi Arabia with segregated polling booths and women still outlawed from driving. As many individuals have commented, women had to rely on men to drive them to the polling booths to vote.

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