
Take a look at the most beautiful dolls in the world.

Mother-of-four Maria Kentley, who has two children with autism, is creating “inclusive” toy dolls from real world.

Inspired by a the Bratz make-under tree-change dolls that went viral last year, Kentley from country Victoria, started making replica dolls for children with disabilities and illnesses.

Her four-year-old son, Christian, has his own mini-me in a black t-shirt that says: “I’m autistic and I’m awesome”.

“I want him to be proud enough to say to people: ‘Yeah, I’m autistic, so what?’

“I want him to grow up hearing that word and not being scared of it,” Maria Kentley told Mamamia.

Ella has a hand-made replica doll. Image supplied.

After making her son's doll, the Hope Toys founder then realised she wanted to make a wide variety of dolls.

"I wanted to represent all children - and all children means children that are sick, children that have got special needs, that live with different conditions," she said.

The toy-maker wanted to raise awareness of disabilities and rare diseases.

Customers from across the globe have sent in their orders via Facebook, including people in Israel, Mexico, the US, Canada, and the UK.

The mother of four has stayed up until 4am making her dolls that come with wheelchairs, crutches, diabetes insulin pumps, disability walkers and prosthetic legs.

"I’ve even made a doll with a service dog, for a young boy in the US who had a service dog for his autism, to help him calm down when he’s having seizures," she said.

Stephen receives his doll. Image supplied.

Maria recently made a doll for fellow Victorian, Stephen, who has been fighting Leukaemia for all his life.

Stephen's replica doll has a medical tube and tape on his face and wears a Spider-Man t-shirt.

Maria's dolls take around 15 hours to make however she wouldn't mind a big toy manufacturer stealing her idea.

"I’d love to go into a store...and see a huge range of dolls that represent children in wheelchairs, with prosthetic legs, with different disabilities, and dolls that are bald," said Maria.

"I’d love to see parents just buying them. I’d love seeing them disappear off the shelves, with people just buying them to give to anyone as a present, and not see it as a stigma."

Maria aims to make Hope Toys a not-for-profit business.

"I definitely don’t want to sell them for the time I’ve spent on them, I want to sell them for the same price that you would buy a doll in the mainstream market," she said.

Another Aussie mother, Betty Strachan, is also re-creating dolls with the hope of eliminating stigma.

A photo posted by Betty S (@allthelittledolls) on


The Brisbane mother of two sells her dolls, which also include a breastfeeding barbie on Etsy.

“Everyone in my mothers' group thought it was great, so I posted her on my Instagram page,” she told The Huffington Post.

“After that, I received a few requests to make more, and I realised that it was really something that should be available ― because, like most things that society deems unacceptable, educating children is the way to erase the stigma behind it.”

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