
Hamish Blake made a moving velociraptor cake for Sonny's 5th birthday, and wow.

Keeping with tradition, Hamish Blake has just made the best damn cake we have ever seen for his son, Sonny Blake’s fifth birthday.

We’ll be honest, reflecting on his previous efforts, we weren’t sure he could manage to outdo himself yet again.

In 2017, there was the Mack Truck complete with an edible hinge.

hamish blake truck cake
Very impressive. Image: Instagram @hamishblakeshotz.

Last year it was a six-layer 'Slimer cake' that spewed green icing slime from the mouth.

Hamish Blake birthday cake
This has nothing on a Barbie cake. Image via @hamishblakeshotz Instagram story.

But this time, the LEGO Masters host and comedian has truly outdone himself.

Not making things any easier, Sonny was quite prescriptive with his cake demands: It had to roar, it had to have a moving tail and it had to be able to open and shut its mouth.

But after six-plus hours, Hamish pulled through.

We present to you... the velociraptor cake. Complete with a thrashing dinosaur tail and a volcano for prehistoric context.

Hamish Blake Cake 2019
We are so impressed. Image: Instagram @hamishblakeshotz.

Hamish told his Instagram followers that it was by "far the hardest" cake he's had to make to date.

"An outlandish request I should have turned down, but my Italian heritage dictates that a father can never refuse a cake request on the day of his son's birthday," he joked on Instagram prior to starting work on the creation.

"So tonight we attempt history. For those that have been part of the journey in the past, you will know my strategy: hope, procrastination, scotch, some Hail Marys, blind confidence, over-spending at the supermarket. Let’s do this."

Hamish Blake Cake 2019
The boy knows what he wants. Image: Instagram @hamishblakeshotz.

In order to make the moving velociraptor base Hamish had to call in a friend, i.e. LEGO Master Ryan 'The Brickman' McNaught. (We wonder if he's open to freelance projects?)

Hamish Blake Cake 2019
Sometimes you just have to phone in a friend. Image: Instagram @hamishblakeshotz.

Up next, our hero had to sculpt a dinosaur out of cake and rice crispies, which was where he ran into his first hurdle. The consistency was too sticky, and it wouldn't coat the dinosaur structure.

Hamish Blake Cake 2019
Oh no... Image: Instagram @hamishblakeshotz.

But he did not lose hope.

While the road to birthday cake nirvana was tough and paved with crumbling rice crispie mixture, Hamish was able to crowdsource a solution: butter.

Hamish Blake Cake 2019
Crowdsourcing a solution was key. Image: Instagram @hamishblakeshotz.

Minor marshmallow-induced meltdowns aside, it was more or less smooth sailing from here:

Hamish Blake Cake 2019
Preach. Image: Instagram @hamishblakeshotz.
Hamish Blake Cake 2019
Jurassic Park, is that you? Image: Instagram @hamishblakeshotz.
Just the final details left. Image: Instagram @hamishblakeshotz.

And finally... success.

Hamish Blake Cake 2019
What. a. journey. Image: Instagram @hamishblakeshotz.

Congratulations, Hamish Blake. Get thee on the Great Australian Bakeoff, stat.

Now we patiently wait for next year.

Would you attempt Hamish Blake's velociraptor birthday cake? Tell us in a comment below.

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