
FLUFF: Hamish Blake talks about his brand new baby. "He's phenomenal."







Hamish Blake just became a dad – and he sounds about as deliriously bewildered as any new parent.

Since his lovely wife Zoe Foster Blake gave birth to tiny little Sonny Blake on the weekend (just in time for Mothers’ Day), Hamish has been learning a lot.

Speaking to 2DayFM’s Jules, Merrick and Sophie this morning, he confessed that it only just dawned on him that newborns don’t observe normal adult sleeping patterns. They need to feed every three hours… And, ah, that includes throughout the night too, Hame.

“This is something that everyone with a kid knows, but there’s that first time, when they [nurses at the hospital] say it’s going to feed 3 hourly. You’re like no worries, yeah, we’ll see at 1 o’clock, we’ll see you at 4, we’ll see you at 7pm. And then you can go, ‘Oh hang on, do they feed three hourly thRough the night?’ And they say, yeah, three-hourly is three-hourly. And you’re like… Oh, but what about eight hours of sleep…?”

Despite sounding a wee bit tired, Hamish could hardly contain his excitement – and how proud he is of his Zoe.

“Zoe’s great, she’s taken off for a girl’s getaway on the Goldie, I’ll look after the kid…” he JOKED. “Really though, it is just an amazing thing to watch your wife go through. She was a champion. She’s recouping and sleeping now.”

Hamish described Sonny as “nothing but perfect” and “phenomenal” too.

Here’s a photo of tiny Sonny in a NOVELTY BEAR BEANIE, who Zoe first joked was called Dracula Von Sandwich Twinklestar.

With a lovely comment from an obviously besotted Hamish:

Thinking of you, sleepy new Foster-Blake family. May the naps be peaceful, the bath-time delightful, and these first few weeks of parenthood exhausting and joyous.

Welcome to the world, Sonny. You got pretty lucky in the parent department.

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