
Hamish and Andy finally respond to those breakfast radio rumours.

Hamish and Andy have responded to those breakfast radio rumours.




There’s a juicy Hamish and Andy rumour swirling around in radio-land.

Apparently, the comedy duo have been asked to leave their current slot on 2Day Fm, which is 3-4pm on weekdays.

Their management at Southern Cross Austereo want them to move to the breakfast slot, and replace Sophie Monk, Merrick Watts and Jules Lund.

On Saturday night, Hamish and Andy finally addressed the rumours while on stage at the Commercial Radio Awards in Melbourne, with Hamish holding a folder full of ‘breakfast contract demands’.

“We’d like to take a moment to talk to you about our plans in radio next year,” Andy said. “Speculation’s been rife that we may be taking on a breakfast slot… we are in negotiations with SCA to do a breakfast slot next year.”

“But that’s only if our breakfast radio contract demands are met!” Hamish added.

Here are some of the demands…

– Everyone in Australia to get up at midday;

– The Australian workday to legally start at 2pm;

– The whole building of 2day FM be moved to Melbourne;

– All live reads to be done by Siri;

– Andy to get twice as many sick days as Kyle gets in his contract at Kiis FM;

– Major billboards on freeways with Hamish and Andy hugging each other;

– A yacht (but not just any yacht – Lachlan Murdoch’s yacht);

– And last but not least, “the radio show cannot interfere with Andy’s television commitments next year … TV’s The Bachelor.”

We really hope SCA is listening. A midday sleep-in and 2pm start to our workday sounds all kinds of excellent.

Incidentally, if we could send our own list of demands to Hamish, we’d include a request for hourly photo updates of his son, Sonny… also known as the cutest baby in the entire universe. Check out the picture that Zoe, Hamish’s wife, shared today:



First solids today, driving mummy to her jazzercise class tomorrow. They grow up so fast.

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Check out some more of Hamish and Andy’s pictures here:

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