
Gwyneth Paltrow has an (inaccurate) theory on why people don’t like her.

Ah, Gwynnie.

Gwyyyyynnie, Gwynnie, Gwynnie.

Ms Paltrow is one of those celebs who breezes through life, seemingly unfazed by trolls and haters. 

She promotes vagina steaming and Yoni eggs, creates delightfully ridiculous and completely unaffordable gift guides (although I’m not not a fan of the neon toilet paper, I've gotta say…), and makes fangirls of lawyers during court cases.

And she wonders why people can’t relate.

Why an ‘eau de Gwyn’s vagine’ candle simply isn’t it. (Well, it was for some. It did sell out, after all.)

She wonders why so many people harbour anti-Gwyn sentiments.

Except, it turns out she actually doesn’t wonder that at all – because Gwynnie has a pretty clear and definitely thought-out theory around why so many people aren't picking up what she's putting down.

Watch: Gwyneth Paltrow fries up her 'boyfriend breakfast' frittata. Post continues below. 

Video via Instagram/gwynethpaltrow

Speaking on the Call Her Daddy podcast recently, Gwyneth said she reckons she can pinpoint the exact moment the world turned on her, and no, it was not when she suggested ladies put crystals up their hoo-has.


According to the actor, all the no-good, very bad vibes kicked off the night she won the best actress Oscar for Shakespeare In Love back in 1998.

"I felt a real pivot on that night because I felt, like, up until that moment, everybody was kind of rooting for me," she told Call Her Daddy host Alex Cooper.

"And then, when I won, it was, like, too much, and I could feel a real turn."

Hmm, was it that though?


I mean, sure, maybe that kicked things off – everyone did kind of pile on when she tearily accepted the gong.

"I was 26, I cried, and people were so mean about it," she added.

And there might've been some outrage that the relative newcomer beat out two of Hollywood's greats – Cate Blanchett and Meryl Streep – for the year's top acting honour.

But could she have turned things around? Could Gwyn have opted not to go down the 'if you're richer than everyone else and you know it, clap your hands start a wellness blog' route?

For what it’s worth, I don’t actually dislike her on a personal level. Truly, I don’t. I'm Gwyn-neutral, if you will. If she wants to live her ridiculous rich-person life that I am in no way jealous of (I swear… No, I swear!), like... why not?

But if the Goop founder does want to connect with The People, she may want to get a bit of clarity around the real reason so many find her so darn antagonistic. 


Might I suggest a quick whip around everybody’s favourite rant platform, Reddit, for some solid (if not deeply considered) insights?

On a board titled, 'Why is Gwyneth Paltrow hated so much?' (eek), plenty of people shared their reasons, and let me tell you not a one had to do with her winning an Oscar 25 years ago.

"She did a 'challenge' where she bought a week’s worth of groceries with a small amount of money to show "poor people" that they can still eat healthy."


"She believes in crystals and vagina steams. She’s out of touch."


Granted, these 'self-care' methods aren't for everyone.

"Cause she's kinda tone deaf and really privileged."

Yeah okay, can't disagree there.

"Who thinks their [vagina] smells so good that people would want it as a candle scent?"

I mean...

Listen to The Spill hosts discuss Gwyn's outrageous antics. Post continues below. 

Gwynnie, babe – it’s time for a rebrand.

Or maybe it isn’t? Maybe this is your whole play. This guy sure thinks so: 

"My guess is that this is partly a marketing trick. She (or her PR team) knows that she gets on people's nerves so she plays up the 'uber-rich, super-privileged, I-understand-the-common-people, condescending earth mother hippy' persona. Like they say, no publicity is bad publicity."


But assuming she does give a crap what people think, I think a little self-reflection could go a long way in turning the tide.

I remember very clearly the eye-rolling that kicked off when she launched Goop a good 10 years after her Oscars win. She was an actor, after all – what did she know about the health wellness space?

(Apparently, a lot related to vaginas.)

Now look, if you want to pop a crystal up your clacker, that’s so up to you. I don’t *think* it’s advised, you know, medically speaking, but I'm not a doctor. (Kind of like how Gwyn isn't a doctor). Anyway, as long as you’re not trying to shimmy it into my lady bits, go nuts, but the point is, actor-without-any-medical-qualifications-to-speak-of Gwyn was out there pushing so-called medical benefits when there just... weren't any. 

(The $145k fine her website had to pay for making the unscientific claims says so, anyway.) Oh, and there was also the flower essence she said would cure depression... 🤔


In 2013, Gwyn was officially named the Most Hated Celebrity by Star magazine and, honestly, ouch – that is kind of a lot, even for someone whose entire life is permanently in the spotlight.

"I was like, 'I’m the most hated celebrity? More than, like, Chris Brown?' What did I do?" she told the BBC years later. 


Oh, and for the record, she was picked for that particular title out of a line-up that included Chris (about whom she has a point), along with Anne Hathaway, Madonna, Lindsay Lohan and Kristen Stewart.

(Also, can you imagine being seated at a dinner table with that bunch? Like, scintillating party chat? Or hard pass?)


BBC reporter Stepher Sackur suggested maybe the real issue with Gwynnie is that she has a tendency to "make people feel bad sometimes" – and he might just have been onto something there.


Gwynnie had the most Gwynnie response ever to that, because of course she did: 

"All I can do is be my authentic self, and if you know me, then you know who I am, and that I have fun and eat and am so appreciative for my life", adding that her nepo baby status (my words, not hers) "inspires a lot of resentment".

So no, I don't think her 1998 Oscar win is what turned so many against her. And a little self-reflection may not go astray if she's thinking of shaking that image up.

If she cares to, that is. The woman's worth close to $300 million AUD, after all... And with that in the bank, I doubt she's losing a lot of sleep at night over why she's never quite managed to endear herself to the masses.

Image: Instagram/Getty.

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