
The crossover with glowing skin and gut health, and how to help achieve both.

Life-Space Probiotics
Thanks to our brand partner, Life-Space Probiotics

Ever had that gut feeling (no pun intended) that your skin was lacking... something?            

You’re following all the right steps in your skincare routine. You've read all the articles, and methodically worked out the skincare ingredients to slap on your face (and when). You're deep in the You Beauty Facebook Group discussions. Heck, you’re even drinking 3L of water EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. 

But for all that effort, something is still not quite right. 

We're hearing expert studies coming through in beauty news that your skin’s health is linked to your overall gut health (and the word 'microbiome' keeps popping up). 

While the surrounding science is still in its infancy, there are ways you can actually make a difference in improving your skin health, starting with the health of your gut.

Before I begin, I want to be super clear: your serums, cleansers and moisturisers still serve a purpose of course. But topical skincare products can only change so much, if the balance in your gut health is a little off.

What does "gut health" even really refer to? 

Our gut is super complex. Of course, we get that. What I do also know: living inside our gut are different strains of bacteria and microbes. They're often referred to as our gut microbiome.

Microbiome can affect our overall health and wellbeing, including organs if it becomes unbalanced. And what’s our largest organ? Yep, our skin.

So that's where this gut-skin axis is very important to have in check.

Think about it. Have you ever noticed that when your digestive system is feeling healthy and on track, your skin responds in kind? This could be just your general skin health or as something like less acne symptoms.


How to actually achieve good skin health.

Achieving healthy skin is more than just the products you put on your face. Putting routines in place like cleansing every day, using oils or serums to target individual skin concerns, and (the golden rule) wearing our SPF are just some things you can do every day to protect, nourish and hydrate your skin.

Plus, beauty lovers adore a good dermatologist. With any niggling skin concerns, it's always smart to visit one and get an expert's advice.

Then there's the extra love your skin deserves in your PM skincare routine, that may include exfoliating regularly, and protecting your skin barrier from environmental factors that exist once we step foot outside. 

Focusing on your sleep is also so important in ensuring you’re doing the best you can for your skin. When you sleep, your whole body rests; including your skin. It's while you're asleep that your skin’s blood flow kicks things up a notch, and the organ rebuilds its collagen, while repairing damage and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Incredible, really.

Taking a balanced approach with meal planning is also going to make a huge impact, so that's where prioritising your fresh veggies and fruit can make a different to your skin health (especially berries that are packed with antioxidants). 

I don’t know about you, but when I overindulge in chocolate... it shows up on my face.

Let's not forget our gut health.

Of course, if you have any concerns, now's the time you'd want to visit your GP for professional medical advice. 


There's also the influence on your gut health to consider, like taking a balanced approach in what foods you're consuming. We want to make sure we're getting lots of those essential vitamins and minerals from the foods we eat, and our foods can often provide us with beneficial bacteria too. While these microbes are found in many foods, there's also the option to complement this microbial intake with a probiotic supplement.

Probiotics can support our digestive health and immune system function while interacting with the microbes living in our gut. You've likely heard how foods like yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha can aid in gut health. They all contain beneficial bacteria and are delicious options to incorporate into your everyday meals. 

Probiotic supplements can be an excellent addition too to help support that complicated gut ecosystem you've got going on there.

(It’s important to note, there’s no one size fits all because we’re all so unique, including the microbiome in our guts.)

Life-Space’s new Probiotics + Skin range are an excellent option to help support gut, intestinal microbiome and skin health. That's quite the holy trinity, so here's the 3 probiotics from their range worth knowing about.

To support your skin's elasticity and collagen formation, try: Life-Space’s Probiotics + Skin Glow

Image: Life-Space.


This product contains two strains of beneficial bacteria, plus hydrolysed marine collagen, grape seed and Vitamin C, and supports your gut and skin health. I'm definitely eyeing this one off, as I love that it's a powder to add to morning smoothies and even has a tropical flavour.

It’s created to: 

  • Support the intestinal microbiome

  • Help connective tissue formation

  • Support collagen health

  • Support skin repair

  • Support digestion of nutrients

  • Contain antioxidants to help reduce free radicals formed in the body

To support skin regeneration and repair, try: Life-Space’s Probiotics + Skin Renew

Image: Life-Space.


This one has a delicious raspberry flavour, and also contains two strains of beneficial bacteria. It helps support and maintain the regeneration and repair of your skin. This one contains Rosehip, as well as Marine collagen and Vitamin C.

It's formulated to:  

  • Support the intestinal microbiome

  • Support skin health

  • Support collagen health

  • Support skin elasticity

  • Help connective tissue production

  • Support digestion of nutrients

  • Contain an antioxidant to help reduce free radicals formed in the body 

To helps reduce symptoms of acne and congested pores, try: Life-Space’s Probiotics + Skin Rebalance

Image: Life-Space.


This is the probiotic beauty lovers would also particularly love. This one helps reduce the occurrence of symptoms of acne, congested skin pores and supports skin healing. It also includes the beneficial ingredients Lactoferrin, Zinc, Vitamins E & C and Biotin (a B vitamin).

It’s here to: 

  • Support the intestinal microbiome

  • Help reduce occurrence of pimples

  • Help reduce occurrence of blackheads

  • Support skin health and structure

  • Support digestion of nutrients

  • Support collagen health

  • Support wound healing

Let's say it together: ultimately it's good gut health, that can support good skin health.

Looking after ourselves, by starting from the inside is going to translate to the outside. Ensuring that our gut health is looked after – and not ignored – is key to help support and maintain glowy, radiant and overall healthy skin. 

The health of our skin reflects not just what we do on the outside, but of a healthy balance deep within the our internal ecosystem – our microbiome. Learn more about Life-Space Probiotics + Skin range.

Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. Vitamin and mineral supplements should not replace a balanced diet. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.

Life-Space Probiotics
For over 20 years, Life-Space have created premium probiotic formulations for Australians; blending, packaging, quality-testing and distributing our products locally and internationally. They're committed to creating innovative wholistic-health solutions that harness the power of probiotics and the human microbiome for all people, at every life-stage. They passionately believe the next frontier in wellness will come from looking within and exploring the amazing, complex world of our microbiome - the trillions of microbial cells living in and on us that are linked to almost every process in our body.
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