
The genius new way to get your house clean and your kids disciplined.


Can we get a round of applause for this time-efficient mum?

When her kids played up recently, she didn’t just send them to their rooms: nope, the savvy mum-of-three set her kids a points-based challenge they had to complete in order to get “ungrounded.”

And what did the misbehaving trio have to do to win points? Well, it involved dishwasher-loading, bin-emptying, and a whole lot of other grotty chores we bet their mum was dying to cross of her ‘to-do’ list.

Take a look at the rule sheet:

The point system enforced by this genius mum.

Mum of Ashley, Ryan, and Adam, whoever you may be – we salute you.

Tell us: what little tricks do you have to get your kids to behave? Do you ever give them chores as punishment?

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