
Tuesday's news in under 5 minutes.

We’ve rounded up all the latest stories from Australia and around the world – so you don’t have to go searching.

1. Greyhound industry horrors revealed.


Australia’s greyhound racing industry is in turmoil after a Four Corners report revealed conclusive evidence of live baiting during secret training sessions.

One clip from the footage, secretly filmed at training tracks in Queensland and Victoria, showed dogs being allowed to attack a writhing possum suspended from a lure.

Horror scenes of live baiting uncovered.

Another clip showed a possum flung around a track 26 times at high speed. When the lure stopped 56 minutes later, the possum had been snapped in half and was only attached to the lure by its spinal cord.

Live baiting has been banned and criminalized for decades, but trainers and owners across the country have been using the illegal training method in the belief that it will improve a dog’s performance.

The RSPCA, in conjunction with police in NSW, Victoria and Queensland raided five properties on Wednesday last week after the Four Corners program, in conjunction with Animals Australia and Animal Liberation Queensland, confidentially handed over the results of its investigation into the sport to the state-based RSPCAs more than a fortnight ago.

As a result, the sport’s regulators suspended 22 people for using rabbits, possums and piglets. If found guilty, they face substantial fines and up to five years’ jail.

This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on ABC and has been republished with full permission.


 2. Former Prime Ministers call for mercy on Bali 9.

Six former Prime Ministers have called for Indonesia to show mercy on the Bali 9 duo Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran who were told yesterday that they would be moved this week to the Batu high security unit on Nusakambangan, where they will be executed 72 hours after their arrival.

“These two men made a mistake when they were young and foolish”

All former living Prime Ministers have issued a statement – Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, John Howard, Paul Keating, Bob Hawke and Malcolm Fraser calling for their lives to be saved.

Ms Gillard told The Australian “I personally would find it heartbreaking if such extraordinary efforts to become of good character were not met with an act of mercy, of recognition of change.”

Mr Hawke said “These two men made a mistake when they were young and foolish. They have served their incarceration with model behaviour, and I therefore urge and plead that the government reconsider its decision to now take their lives.”

Prime Minister Tony Abbott yesterday once again called for the Indonesian Government to halt the execution “Like millions of Australians, I feel sick in the pit of my stomach when I think about what is quite possibly happening to these youngsters.”

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull has also joined the chorus of voices making a direct appeal to the Indonesian government while appearing on the ABC’s Q&A program.

“Perhaps if I can address this to the Indonesian government: It is not a sign of weakness to spare the lives of these men,” he said.


“Yes, they have committed very terrible crimes. Yes, they knew that the death penalty was there if they were caught and found guilty. But it is not weak to spare their lives.

“It is a sign of the strongest love, the greatest mercy when you extend it to those who least deserve it.

“That is a sign of strength. President Widodo can be so strong, so strong that he does not have to take the lives of two men but to give them life to continue to rehabilitate, to repent for the rest of their days.”

 4. Turnbull criticised Phillip Ruddock sacking.

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull has appeared on the ABC’s Q&A program where he criticised the Prime Minister’s decision to sack Philip Ruddock saying it was “very sad” and a “captain’s call”.

Sad about Phillip Ruddock.

“He is one of the absolute icons of the Liberal Party, he is well loved, he is well respected, he is esteemed by all of the Liberal Party right across the country”

“Look, Tony Abbott, as Philip said, is entitled to appoint and replace the chief whip as and when he wishes, that’s his call but I have to say, I was very sad to see the announcement.”

 5. Irish brother to appear in court over bashing.

Irish tourist Barry Lyttle will appear in court today faced with allegedly punching his brother, Patrick.

Patrick was in a critical condition in an induced coma at St Vincent’s Hospital after the assault by his brother.


Father Oliver Lyttle said the brothers loved each other.

“They’ve loved each other since they were kids,” he told reporters outside court when Barry was granted bail reports Sky News.

 6. Egypt launches air strikes against Islamic State targets in Libya in wake of latest beheading video


Egyptian jets have bombed Islamic State (IS) targets in Libya, a day after the group there released a video showing the beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians.

Between 40 to 50 militants were killed.

It was the first time Egypt announced military action against Islamist targets in its western neighbour, having previously denied it targeted militants there.

Egypt said the dawn strike hit militant camps, training sites and weapons storage areas in neighbouring Libya, where civil conflict has plunged the country into near anarchy and created havens for armed factions.

While Cairo is believed to have provided clandestine support to a Libyan general fighting a rogue government in Tripoli, the mass killings pushed president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi into open action, expanding his battle against Islamist militancy.

“Your armed forces on Monday carried out focused air strikes in Libya against Daesh camps, places of gathering and training, and weapons depots,” the military said in a statement, using the Arabic word for IS.

Libya’s air force said it also participated in Monday’s attack.

“There are casualties among individuals, ammunition and the (Islamic State) communication centres,” Libyan air force commander Saqer al-Joroushi told Egyptian state television, adding that between 40 to 50 militants were killed.


This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on ABC and has been republished with full permission.

7. Mother took “ice” for morning sickness.

There are calls for increased penalties for repeat drug drivers after a mother-to-be was arrested and charged with four counts of drug-driving, multiple counts of driving suspended and driving an unregistered car.

Calls for increased penalties for drug drivers.

She told police she used the drug “ice” to help with the nausea of her pregnancy.

The Geelong Court heard that 32-year old Julie Bryan on one of her arrests ran inside a house and vomited.

She later tried to claim she used ice while inside the house but police said this was untrue as she was accompanied by an officer at all times.

News Limited reports that Magistrate Michael Coghlan called on Victoria’s parliamentarians to introduce tougher penalties for drug-driving.

Mr Coghlan said that, unlike drink-drivers, there were no jail penalties for repeat drug-drivers and only a maximum licence disqualification of six months.

8. Fears over imported produce.

After nine people were diagnosed with Hepatitis A from eating imported berries Patties Foods has recalled 1kg packs of Nanna’s Frozen Mixed Berries and 300g and 500g packs of Creative Gourmet Mixed Berries amid fears they are contaminated.


News Limited reports that many imported foods have the potential to carry risk.

“The majority of imported fruit and vegetables are only tested at a rate of 5 per cent,” AUSVEG deputy CEO Andrew Whitetold News Limited. “It is of great concern because our growers are being disadvantaged by cheap imports … potentially putting consumers at risk.”

Professor Peter Collignon, infectious diseases expert from the Australian National University said, “A lot of the countries where we are importing food have waterways that are contaminated with sewage”

“They are not operating at the same standards as we have here. You don’t want to have food that has been contaminated with human waste.”

Meanwhile a Victorian woman has spoken of her anxious wait to find out if she has contracted the illness – she became sick after eating frozen berries.

She says she is angry and upset and has a strong message to share.

For more read this post here. 

9. Schools re-open in Liberia.

Schools have reopened across Liberia after the deadly Ebola outbreak forced them shut last year.

While the Education Department said all 5,100 schools will re-open, UNICEF have said it will take time.

We don’t expect all schools to reopen immediately,” said Manuel Fontaine, UNICEF Regional Director for West and Central Africa. “Typically it can take up to a month before the majority of students are back in the classroom. Throughout that period education authorities will be working to ensure that conditions are as safe as possible.


Many of the schools were used as treatment centres for Ebola patients, and there are calls for furniture in the schools to be burnt rather than re-used for children.

10. Qantas to enforce dress code for travellers.

Qantas has announced that from April they will enforce a dress code for visitors to their airport lounges after complaints from their clientele.

No more things in the lounge.

Visitors will no longer be allowed to wear sleeveless t-shirts, bare feet and thongs.

“The vast majority of our members meet and exceed the guidelines, but we have had some feedback from customers that they want to see those guidelines apply to everyone,” said Helen Gray, Qantas’ head of Domestic Product & Service.

“The dress guidelines for our lounges are the same as most restaurants and clubs.”

 11. Study shows Mums unhappy with the way Grans care for kids.

A study has shown that working mothers who rely on grandparents for childcare are unhappy with the care their kids are given.

Aw don’t read them THAT book Gran

The study out of the UK found that 1/3 of working mothers surveyed found that the different parenting styles of the two generations had caused “tensions”.

The main flashpoints are food, rules and screen time.

One-third of working mothers think the meals and snacks grandparents provide to kids is not healthy enough; one in three is unhappy with how their children are disciplined; and one in five has concerns over the amount of screen time allowed while children are in their grandparents’ care.


 12. How to make the perfect cup of tea.

Science has answered the question that has been bothering the entire United Kingdom for centuries (and a few of us Aussies) : milk before tea, or tea first?

So to indulge our fond friends across the seas we share it with you.

Milk before tea. Proven.

According to the British Standards Institution’s six-page guide tea should be brewed in a pot, and the milk should be put in the cup before the tea is poured.

There should be 2g of tea for every 100ml of water, and the water should not be hotter than 85°C , so the milk does not scald.

The pot should be “of white porcelain or glazed earthenware, with its edge partly serrated” and there should be around 5ml of milk added to each cup, if it is large (between 57mm and 63mm tall) or half that amount if it is small (about 49mm tall).

The tea should be left in the pot to infuse for exactly six minutes.

“If the milk is added afterwards, experience has shown that the best results are obtained when the temperature of the liquor is in the range 65 to 80°C when the milk is added.”

Got it? Get brewing.

13. Transfer of the Bali 9 inmates has been delayed.

A plan to transfer two Australians from a Bali prison tomorrow morning in preparation for their executions has been postponed on the request of the country’s attorney-general.


Information sent to the ABC from an Indonesian police intelligence source shows that plans were underway to move Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran tomorrow.

Authorities confirmed yesterday that the two inmates, who were part of the so-called Bali Nine heroin smuggling group, would be taken from Bali to another island prison for execution.

A plan was in place to move them overnight tonight, but the attorney-general has told the ABC that he has requested their transfer be postponed.

In a text message, Muhammad Prasetyo said that is an attempt to accommodate requests from Australia so that Chan and Sukumaran’s families can have more time with them.

The transfer of Andrew CHan and Myuran Sukumaran has been delayed.


Earlier, lawyers for Chan and Sukumaran said moving them to another prison in preparation for their executions would be an injustice.

Chan and Sukumaran have been on death row since 2006 and were recently denied presidential pardons, despite prison officials supporting their clemency bids.

The pair’s lead lawyer, Todong Mulya Lubis, has been summoned to a court next week over the claim that president Joko Widodo has not followed the rules in rejecting the pair’s plea for clemency.

He said the court hearing showed that all legal avenues had not yet been tested, and was concerned that if the men were moved out of Bali later this week as expected, it would make it hard to reverse the process.


“They cannot transfer, they cannot move Chan and Sukumaran, let alone kill them, while the legal process is going on,” Mr Lubis said.

“It’s hard to reverse the process once they are moved to Nusa Kembangan.”

Mr Lubis also said the legal system should investigate allegations around some of the judges who granted the death penalty.

The pair were to be transferred tomorrow morning to the prison where they would be executed.


Another member of the legal team, Peter Morrissey SC, said any moves by the attorney-general to execute Chan and Sukumaran should not proceed as long as the court hearing was underway.

“What we’ve got in Indonesia right now is there’s a live court proceeding but the attorney-general keeps threatening to move them and to proceed with the execution,” Mr Morrissey told ABC News Breakfast.

“So it’s as if the courts on the one hand have got a live case but on the other hand the government’s proceeding to execute. That’s just not the rule of law.

“If they give it a proper hearing they will probably never be executed because [Indonesia] might be persuaded.”

Authorities are so far taking little notice of these arguments.

This article originally appeared on the ABC and was republished here with full permission.

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