
Greta Thunberg responds to Donald Trump's subtle dig on Twitter, & more in news in 5.

– With AAP.

1. Greta Thunberg responds to Donald Trump’s subtle dig on Twitter.

It appears US President Donald Trump has mocked Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg who gave an impassioned speech at the United Nations in New York, urging world leaders to do more to combat climate change.

The 16-year-old activist Greta Thunberg scolded the audience at the UN Climate Action Summit on Monday, repeatedly asking, “How dare you?”

“We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and yet all you can talk about is money. You are failing us,” Thunberg said.

Greta Thunberg’s United Nations speech. Post continues after video. 

In a tweet late on Monday, Trump said of Thunberg, “She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!”

In response, Thunberg changed her Twitter bio to describe herself as: “A very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future”.

The hashtag #GretaThunbergOutdidTrump soon began trending on Twitter, while others shared the tagline “Make America Greta Again”.

Trump had spent only a few minutes at the climate summit, a centrepiece of this year’s UN General Assembly schedule.


Trump instead chose to focus on religious persecution, an issue that resonates with his evangelical supporters.

He arrived in New York against a backdrop of swirling international tensions, including questions about his relationship with Ukraine, the uncertain future of Brexit, the US trade war with China, stalled nuclear negotiations with North Korea and a weakening global economy.

The president met Monday with leaders of Pakistan, Poland, New Zealand, Singapore, Egypt and South Korea.


He will speak before the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, with his administration’s desire for a collective response to escalating aggression by Iran high on the agenda.

2. British PM Boris Johnson’s suspension of parliament was unlawful.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to shut down the British parliament for five weeks in the run-up to Brexit was unlawful, the Supreme Court has ruled in a humiliating rebuke to him.


The unanimous decision by the court’s 11 presiding judges on Tuesday thrusts Britain’s exit from the European Union further into turmoil as it undermines Johnson and gives legislators more scope to oppose his Brexit plans.

“The decision to advise Her Majesty to prorogue parliament was unlawful because it had the effect of frustrating or preventing the ability of parliament to carry out its constitutional functions without reasonable justification,” Supreme Court President Brenda Hale said, reading out the historic decision.

“Parliament has not been prorogued. This is the unanimous judgment of all 11 justices,” she added. “It is for parliament, and in particular the speaker and the (House of) Lords speaker, to decide what to do next.”

The speaker of parliament’s House of Commons, where Johnson has lost his majority and most lawmakers oppose his promise to leave the European Union with or without a deal by October 31, said the chamber must convene without delay.

“I welcome the Supreme Court’s judgment that the prorogation of Parliament was unlawful,” said the speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow.

“As the embodiment of our parliamentary democracy, the House of Commons must convene without delay. To this end, I will now consult the party leaders as a matter of urgency.”

Sterling initially rallied by about a third of a cent against the US dollar after the news, before paring gains slightly, and at 1005 GMT stood 0.25 per cent up on the day at $US1.2460.

Parliament was suspended, or prorogued in the formal term, from September 10 to October 14. The prorogation was approved by Queen Elizabeth, Britain’s politically neutral head of state, on the advice of the prime minister.


Some lawmakers, including those thrown out of Johnson’s Conservative Party for rebelling against his Brexit plans, had said he should resign if he was found to have misled the queen.

“It is impossible for us to conclude, on the evidence which has been put before us, that there was any reason – let alone a good reason – to advise Her Majesty to prorogue Parliament for five weeks,” the judges said in their ruling.

British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn called on Johnson to consider his position and call a new election.

“I invite Boris Johnson, in the historic words, to ‘consider his position’,” Corbyn told delegates at Labour’s annual conference in Brighton.

To huge cheers and chants of “Johnson out!”, Corbyn said the British prime minister should become the shortest-ever serving leader and that Labour was ready to form a government.

3. As the UN urges the world to do more on climate change, Scott Morrison holds fast to Australia’s target of cutting emissions.


Australia won’t be getting a long-term plan to cut its emissions any time soon.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned the climate emergency “is a race we are losing” and called for countries to lift their commitments to cut emissions.

“This is not a climate talk summit. We have had enough talk,” he said at a UN climate meeting on Monday.

“This is not a climate negotiation summit. You don’t negotiate with nature. This is a climate action summit.”

Nearly 70 countries – about two-fifths of those signed up to the Paris Agreement – have indicated they will increase climate action.

But Prime Minister Scott Morrison is holding fast to Australia’s target of cutting emissions by 26-28 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030.

“I’m committed to what I took to the Australian people; that was 26 per cent for 2030 and that’s what we’ll achieve,” he told reporters in Chicago, where he gave a foreign policy speech while the climate summit was opening in New York.


Foreign Minister Marise Payne represented Australia at the climate summit.

Asked if he felt the need to say something about longer-term targets in response to Mr Guterres, Mr Morrison said: “Not at this point.”

Instead of stronger emissions targets, Mr Morrison is focused on practical environmental actions.

“It’s about plastics, it’s about oceans, it’s about recycling,” he said.

The prime minister also suggested China should now be treated as a developed – rather than developing – economy in addressing global environmental challenges.

“If the goal is to reduce emissions, then you obviously got to focus on the places which have the largest emissions,” he said.

Australia’s emissions have increased over the past few years, while the USA’s have been trending downwards for a decade.

Meanwhile, youth climate activist Greta Thunberg lambasted world leaders in her address to the UN summit.

“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” she said.

“People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are at the beginning of a mass extinction – and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth.”

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese criticised the prime minister’s decision to skip the climate change summit.


Mr Albanese said with Australia’s carbon emissions on the rise, it was not good enough to demand that other countries take action.

“It’s about time the government put in place an energy and climate change policy,” he told reporters in Bendigo.

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd said Mr Morrison “couldn’t be bothered” to speak at the summit.

“This is a global challenge requiring global leadership and national leadership,” he told the ABC.

“When you have a prime minister of the country not stepping up to the plate, addressing the world’s forum, and indicating what Australia’s future carbon reduction commitments will be, it sends a very clarion clear message … that the Australian government is just not serious.”

4. Police arrest daughter over 2001 cold case murder of Sydney woman.


A woman is expected to be charged over the murder of her mother in Sydney’s southwest 18 years ago, with police alleging a financial motive for the killing.

Irene Jones’ body was found on November 2, 2001 by police who were responding to reports of a break-and-enter at her Lansvale home.

A post-mortem found the 56-year-old had died from strangulation and a stab wound to the neck, NSW Police said in a statement on Tuesday.

No one at the time was charged with her murder.

Detectives on Tuesday morning arrested Ms Jones’ 45-year-old daughter outside her Bondi Junction unit.

“She was stunned this morning at the arrival of homicide detectives after 18 years,” Detective Inspector Stewart Leggat told reporters in Sydney.

Police believe the daughter, then aged 27, staged the robbery and went to a neighbour’s property and alerted police.

“Police will allege that there was a financial motive,” Det Insp Leggat said.

“She was the sole beneficiary of the estate.”


The woman, who is an only child, inherited her mother’s house and then sold it, police said.

The 45-year-old is being interviewed at Waverley Police Station, where she is expected to be charged later in the day.

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5. John Ibrahim’s girlfriend Sarah Budge has been cleared of two gun crimes.

A Sydney jury remains split on whether the girlfriend of former Kings Cross nightclub boss John Ibrahim knew a stolen pistol was hidden in her bedroom.


Sarah Budge was cleared on Tuesday of knowing the pistol was defaced and that it was stored in her wardrobe next to a loaded magazine.

But while the jury was convinced she didn’t know the gun’s serial number had been scratched off, it is still undecided on whether she knew it was in her Double Bay unit at all.

Model and restaurateur Budge, 29, had accepted the stolen and defaced Glock 26 pistol and loaded magazine were found in a T2 teapot box in her wardrobe.

But she’d argued the jury couldn’t find her to legally possess the items as she didn’t know – and couldn’t reasonably be expected to know – the weapons were there.

After a two-week District Court trial and days of deliberations, the jury of six men and six women late on Tuesday found her not guilty of the magazine possession charge.

They also cleared her of the defaced pistol charge, which requires the person to both knowingly possess the weapon and know it was defaced.

Ms Budge wept and hugged her lawyers after the two verdicts were read out.

Judge David Arnott then excused one juror who raised a significant reason to fly to Hobart on Wednesday.

The remaining 11 jurors will return to court on Wednesday morning to try to reach a verdict on the remaining charge of unlawful gun possession.

Budge had testified before the jury to having no knowledge of the items, saying she had confronted her boyfriend Mr Ibrahim over the gun after her arrest.


She said he told her he knew how a pistol came to be in her apartment but refused to tell her more, saying she was in enough trouble as it was.

Her lawyer Simon Buchen SC had contended it was highly probable Mr Ibrahim or one of his associates hid the pistol and ammunition in her bedroom days before police found them.

Prosecutor Christopher Taylor questioned the plausibility of the idea that a person broke into her apartment and stored the pistol in “prime shoe territory” without her knowledge – and invited the jury to think where they’d hide their own stolen handgun.

Mr Taylor also queried why Budge would remain in a relationship with a man who put her in a position where she could be arrested.

However, Mr Buchen said the conversation between Mr Ibrahim and Budge about the gun was typical of the couple’s relationship, in which he would often treat his girlfriend “with contempt”.

“You may not respect that, that may not be your ideal relationship, but that is her relationship,” he said in his closing address on Thursday.

“She’s not on trial for having a relationship with Mr Ibrahim … the human heart doesn’t always obey the rules of logic.”

Judge Arnott told the jury it would be illogical and wrong to assume Budge is guilty because of her association with Mr Ibrahim.

Each offence Budge was facing carries a maximum penalty of 14 years in jail.

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