
Five-year-old Thea West was asleep when Grenfell Tower went up in flames.

Five-year-old Thea West was asleep in her seventh-floor bedroom when the Grenfell Tower became engulfed in flames.

But thanks to the quick thinking of her mum’s boyfriend, Mickey Paramasivan, she escaped the deadly fire unharmed.

“I don’t know how it started but there was fire everywhere,” West told The Sun.

“Mickey woke me up. He is my hero. He put me under his dressing gown and ran down the stairs.”

grenfell tower survivor
Thea and Mickey. Image via This Morning.

The five-year-old said there was "smoke everywhere" and she "could not breathe" as the made their way out of the building.


“When we got outside, there was plastic falling on the grass and people were crying and coughing. It was very scary," she said.

Paramasivan, 37, was still awake at 1am when he first noticed the smell of plastic burning.

"I was dozing in and out of sleeping, watching a film, when I could smell something plasticky," he told This Morning.

The Grenfell Tower fire is believed to have claimed 58 lives. (Getty)

"I couldn't find where it was coming from but as I leaned out the window to have a cigarette I could hear someone shouting, 'it's getting bigger, it's getting bigger!'

"The panic set in so I peeped through the spy hole of the front door and there was smoke everywhere, there were a couple of neighbours in the corridor going, 'get out [of] the flat'," he continued.

Paramasivan woke up his partner Hannah, 23, and then went into Thea's bedroom, scooping her up and putting her under his dressing gown.

Together they made their way down the pitch dark stairwell, managing to escape outside.

“We were on the 7th floor and the fire started on the 4th floor, so as we’re going down the stairs it’s getting darker and darker and hotter and hotter. It was intense.

"Within 15 minutes the whole tower was ablaze and there was no fire alarm, the fire alarm didn't start going off until 4am and you could hear it loudly outside, but inside it was very quiet," Paramasivan told This Morning.


The family are living in temporary accommodation while they wait for something more permanent.

grenfell tower survivor
Mickey and Hannah. Image via This Morning.

“I don’t know how I am going to tell her what happened to her other friends and I haven’t been able to sleep since the fire," Thea's mum, Hannah, said.

“I feel lucky to be alive, but I feel guilty about all the people who did not make it out."

“I really miss my friends and I miss my home," Thea told the publication.

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