
Sunday's news in under 5 minutes.

We’ve rounded up all the latest stories from Australia and around the world – so you don’t have to go searching.

1. A child died after drinking coconut drink, as brands are pulled from the shelves.

The Age reports that in December 2013 a 10-year-old child from Melbourne, who remains unnamed, experienced a “fatal anaphylactic reaction” after consuming the Taiwanese product, Greentime Natural Coconut Drink, which was sold across Australia. Two years later, an investigation has been completed and brands of coconut milk have been withdrawn from the shelves.

The child was reported to have an allergy to dairy products, and the NSW Food Authority has confirmed that milk content was not labelled.

Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia indicates that five coconut drinks in the past four weeks have been recalled because potential allergens (particularly cows milk) were not declared.

Greentime coconut drink has been recalled.

The importer, Narkena Pty Ltd, has pleaded guilty to two charges of mis-labelling a product, as well as selling products that breached the Food Standards Code.

The President of Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia, Maria Said, has expressed her disappointment for the poor investigations regarding the mislabelled products. It has taken almost two years to investigate the product, despite the child suffering the allergic reaction almost immediately after drinking the coconut milk.


Ms Said indicated that a near-death experience after drinking a different coconut drink in July 2015 prompted NSW Food Authority to test other coconut drink products, some of which have now also been recalled due to undeclared cow’s milk. Said believes this should have taken place “from January 2014.”

2. Footage been released of the Parramatta shooter’s final moments.

Exclusive video taken by a witness, released by Channel 7, has captured the final moments when 15-year-old Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar opened fire at NSW Police Headquarters on Friday afternoon.

The footage depicts Jabar engaging in a gunfight with other officers after fatally shooting 58-year-old police accountant, Curtis Cheng. Jabar is seen walking along the street, waving a handgun and reportedly dancing, according to a witness.

“He was holding his gun,” a witness told Channel 7, “and he opened fire twice and then did a little dance…I was very shocked to see what he was doing.”

One of the special constables who shot at the teenager is seen to emerge from behind a wall and fire at the shooter. Eventually, the gunman was shot and killed.

A photograph, since released, shows his body lying on a nearby footpath. Special constables stood over Jabar’s body for a period of time, while another knelt down laying his hands on the teenager’s knees.


The NSW Police Commissioner, Andrew Scipione, has commended the bravery the special constables who responded to Jabar’s attack.

“I don’t know that I’ve seen a greater act of bravery than what I saw last night with these special constables,” said Scipione. “These special constables put their lives on the line, knowing they were under fire, probably someone had been shot…”.

3. A Vatican priest has been sacked after coming out as gay.

A priest who served in the office of the Holy See has been sacked after telling a newspaper that he was gay.

Monsignor Charamsa, 43, told an Italian newspaper, Corriere della Sera, that he was homosexual in a long interview with the paper, but was soon removed from his position at the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.

Monsignor Charamsa.

Charamsa has since appeared at a news conference with his partner and other LGBT activists, confirming that he will not be silenced.

“This decision of mine to come out was a very personal one taken in a Catholic Church that is homophobic and very difficult and harsh [towards gays],” he said. “We can’t continue showing contempt and offence towards homosexuals.”

Monsignor with his partner.

Charamsa has urged the church not to forget homosexual believers and that the church’s beliefs about homosexuality are “inhuman”.


4. A woman was photographed by her husband before he pushed her from a cliff.

Harold Henthorn was found guilty of first-degree murder after pushing his wife of 12 years from a cliff.

Prosecutors have since released images of Dr Toni Henthorn only moments before her death, showing the couple happily hiking Colorado’s Deer Mountain. It was alleged by Henthorn during the hike that his wife slipped, on the trip to celebrate their wedding anniversary, after taking a photo of the view.

Harold and Toni Henthorn on their trip.

Prosecutors hinged their case on Henthorn’s desperation for his wife’s $6.6M insurance policy that he would gain access to following her death.

Prosecutors also revealed that Henthorn had checked the area of his wife’s death nine times before the hike, and marked with an “X” on the map where she fell.

Jurors also noted their suspicious about Henthorn’s calls to paramedics, claiming that his voice was slow and calculated. Jurors were convinced that Henthorn wanted his wife to die and that he did not administer CPR on her when told to.

Henthorn’s first wife also died in what he claimed was an “accident” in 1995. Allegedly, she was hit by a car when changing a tyre, and prosecutors have since reopened the case to investigated Henthorn’s responsibility.


5.Sweden is officially moving towards a six-hour working day.

Businesses across Sweden have started to reduce their already shorter eight hour working days to just six hours in attempts to increase business effectiveness.

CEO of app developer, Filimundus, Linus Feldt, has said that change is being implemented to switch a six hour work day with early indications looking very positive.

“I think the eight hour work day is not as effective was one would think,” said Feldt. “To stay focused on a specific task for eight hours is a huge challenge. In order to cope, we mix in things and pauses to make the day more endurable.”

Feldt also claimed that shorter working day has let employees spend more time with families, but it has retained productivity and reduced the amount of staff conflicts.

Many companies attempting to reduce working days reference research that shows greater health benefits for those who spend less time working.

In a study published last month it concluded that who have a 55 hour week will have a 33% greater risk of having a stroke, whilst those with a 35-45 hour week had a 13% decreased risk of coronary heart disease.

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