
The beautiful moment a teen takes his formal date to hospital to see his grandfather.


For most teenagers, the night of a school formal is filled with nerves, celebration and a touch of one-one-upmanship.

For Felipe Leon, the night wasn’t going to happen without the presence of his grandfather.

This is why he and his date arranged to visit the hospital, where Felipe’s grandfather was recovering from surgery, on the way to the Clear Creek high school prom in Texas.

The visit came as a complete surprise to the grandfather, who had lamented that he wouldn’t get to see his grandson on the special occasion.

“We knew that he would still be in the hospital during my son’s prom and he would miss that special moment,” Felipe’s mother Nicole Leon told the Daily Mail. “All week my dad kept telling my mom that he knew he couldn’t be there but he did not want her to miss it.”

The footage is heart-warming and has swept across the globe. The affection between grandfather and grandson is beautiful to watch. And it’s likely no two better dressed people have ever set foot in the Texan hospital.

Felipe's prom date was desperately trying to prevent her tears from ruining her makeup.
The affection between Felipe and his grandfather. Can't deal!
Felipe's grandfather couldn't contain his emotion.
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