
Melissa McCarthy's first head shots are hilarious.

She thought she had the only copies. She was wrong.

For young actors trying to break into the business, head shots are a necessity, but man, they date quickly.

That super-sleuth TV host Graham Norton unearthed some truly delightful head shots of a very young Melissa McCarthy and showed them to her on his show.

McCarthy, 44, was perplexed and embarrassed in equal measure.

“When you sent them to me I was like, ‘Dear god, they’re out there!'” she said.

Watch the segment here…

McCarthy described how she moved to Los Angeles at 26 she got her first commercial agent, whose office was above a sandwich shop.

The agent told her she needed to get character shots, so McCarthy posed for the pictures as two of her own characters, one of whom was ‘Carol’, whose job was handing out cheese samples in supermarkets.

Melissa McCarthy in a Chris Pratt and Jude Law sandwich.

McCarthy-as-Carol is wearing a tiny cowboy hat that she says came from Western Barbie. She creatively turned the boots into earrings.

The other character seems to be just an old lady with a wig and glasses, pulling a wacky face.

How would you like to sit next to Jude Law while your most embarrassing photographs are displayed?

McCarthy was so mortified that she had to fan herself.

Not to be outdone, McCarthy’s fellow guest Chirs Pratt described how he got naked in a stranger’s apartment in West Hollywood at the age of 20, and scored some free head shots from a charitable photographer.

His hair is questionable – but we still would.

McCarthy is currently appearing in Spy with Rose Byrne, and Pratt will star in Jurassic World, released soon (but not soon enough.)

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