
Hero, Shocker and Whinger of the Week.


Welcome to Mamamia Rogue’s Shocker, Hero and Whinger of the Week.

You guys know the deal, but if not here’s a bit of a refresher: Each week, we pick the biggest Shocker, Hero and Whinger from the last seven days. Shocker is whatever moment or person left our jaws on the floor. Hero is whoever won the week by being flat out amazing. And whinger? Well, that’s pretty much just someone who has had a major sooky-la-la moment.

So, let’s get to it.


Hero of the Week goes to…

Mike Immerman, who for reasons that will probably never be understood, created a Dawson’s Creek parody with dogs called, wait for it… ‘Dachshund’s Creek’.

It’s pointless and incredible and you’ll watch the whole thing:

So many nostalgic feels.


Shocker of the Week goes to…

Alvin Cross Junior:


You know when you’re writing a txt and you accidentally send it to the worst possible person you could accidentally send it to?

That’s what young Alvin did.

Alvin was looking for some weed. So Alvin txted a friend, asking: “You have some weed?”

But it wasn’t a friend. It was his probation officer. Alvin had actually sent the txt to his probation officer.

And it was too late. he had already pressed ‘Send’.

According to ABC News, police officers then hightailed it to Alvin’s house and found him in possession of a whole lot of other drugs. He was arrested, and sent back to prison.


How can we put a man on the moon and have no way to cancel a sent txt?


Whinger of the Week goes to…

Actor Frank Sivero, who is suing the creators of The Simpsons for $250 million for inventing a character that he says is a rip-off of him.

You know Louie from The Simpsons? He’s one of the mafia guys who hangs out with Fat Tony:

Frank Sivero is claiming that Louie is based on the mafia character Frankie Carbone, which he played in the film Goodfellas in 1990:


They do look pretty similar side by side…



Sivero is claiming that he lived next door to a couple of Simpsons writers in 1990, and they knew all about the character he was creating for Goodfellas. Nek minit, Louie the Mafia guy pops up on The Simpsons. The official complaint states:

“During this time, both writers knew who Sivero was, and they saw each other almost every day. They knew he was developing the character he was to play in the movie Goodfellas, a movie Sivero did in 1989. In fact, they were aware the entire character of Frankie Carbone was created and developed by Sivero, who based this character on his own personality.”

It’s not clear why he’s waited almost 30 years to sue, but is there really enough of a likeness to warrant 250 MILLION bucks?

Computer says no.









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Rogue is Mamamia’s space for fun, viral and random content, with everything from feminism to pop culture. We scour the internet so you don’t have to, and bring all the best bits back.


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