I didn’t realise I would lose him so young. I thought we had at least another 20 good years left together – 10 minimum. But it’s time to admit that I lost a good man to a terrible affliction:
It started innocently enough of course. It always does. But like any addiction, there’s always a gateway drug. His was a Christmas party that was so enlightening that it soon became an obsession.
I guess I should have seen it coming but it happened so quickly. One minute he was "filling in to make up the four for a mate" every now and again - then suddenly he was playing in a serious golf competition and was working on his "handicap". Golf now consumes his every waking thought (and hopes and dreams).
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Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for my partner having a hobby independent of me. Hell, I actively encouraged it. But when a hobby becomes all-consuming, to the point where his eyes glaze over unless you’re talking about a sand wedge or a birdie, you know you’ve lost him.
If he's not playing golf, he's driving balls at the local range, or practicing his swing with some bullshit contraption in the backyard that cost more than a small African nation's budget or, failing that, he's just sitting down on the couch, hogging the television and watching some old guy drone on about how to swing a five iron. How many ways can there be, I ask you? Seriously, HOW MANY?!
There were signs of course I'd lose him of course. I just didn't recognise them until it was too late.
So how do you know if you’re partner is also a golf addict?
1. He’s seriously considered getting in a round of golf on the morning of your wedding (and then actually did it).
2. You've caught him watching an entire hour long infomercial on the golf channel without moving once.
3. He has played in light to medium-strength snow. Because why let a little frostbite stop you?
4. He has taken his own putter to mini golf.
5. You've had at least one washing machine destroyed by a stray golf tee.