Goldie Hawn has said she feared her son would die at just one day old after suffering complications at birth.
Talking to PEOPLE Magazine, Hawn said after her son Oliver’s birth, she was suffering from toxemia – also knows as pre-eclampsia. She told the magazine she recalls being wheeled upstairs to ICU where her newborn son lay struggling.
“Oh my God, was he beautiful. Eleven pounds of a hunk of love,” Hawn told PEOPLE. “I stood up and I just connected to the universe. I put my hand on him, and I asked God, I said, ‘Come through me, use me to heal my son.’”
She went on to say than upon doing that, Oliver’s heart rate went up.
“I don’t think there’s any question that prayer can work. I’m a very spiritual person,” Hawn said. “I’m not a religious person, although I was raised Jewish and I like my tribe, but that was a beautiful thing. It was phenomenal. I just emptied myself. I don’t know how to explain it.”
Hawn is well-known for her spirituality and her stringent belief in the powers above. After being raised Jewish and practicing Buddism from the 70s, the 71-year-old has authored many books on the theme of 10 Mindful Minutes, espousing the benefits of being mindful.
Appearing on the OWN series “Oprah’s Master Class”, the actress has previously discussed how her beliefs impact her parenting, and more specifically, how she handled the first time daughter Kate asked about God.
“I said, ‘Well I think God is everywhere, really. To feel God is what’s really important,” she said. “You know that feeling just before you’re going to laugh? That thing where you get all bubbled up? It’s like a bubble of laughter, but it hasn’t come out yet? That’s what God feels like.’”
Today, Oliver is an actor is his own right, starring in Rules of Engagement, Nashville and Scream Queens.
Hawn herself is currently making her return to the big screen after a 15-year hiatus in the upcoming movie Snatched with Amy Schumer.