The Pill. It's just another one of those women's health topics that doesn't get enough airtime. And for what's considered the most popular form of birth control in Australia, it's... alarming.
If you're anything like me, you probably started taking the Pill (or some other form of birth control) in your teens.
I first started taking it when I was about 19 and suffering cystic breakouts. And while I was aware of all the 'good stuff' it did for my skin (and period pain), I knew nothing of the side effects. I'd also never really thought about what could happen when you come off it.
Now, at the age of 31, I've decided to quit the Pill for the first time in 12 years.
While I'm in a steady relationship (I recently got married) and not considering kids at the moment, being on the Pill for such a large portion of my life has made me wonder what life would be like without it.
Watch: If your period was a person... Post continues below.
I also have friends and family who have noticed negative side effects while being on the Pill, so it's something that's always been in the back of my head.