
Go home, Pinterest. You're drunk.

Pinterest is a lovely place. It is filled with beautiful, colourful pictures of intricate handicrafts and baking triumphs. It is a happy place, where rainbow cakes sit alongside vintage bicycles, and adorable racing car bunk beds are displayed next to… well… this.


That – for those of you who might not have realised at first glance – is a Barbie Shoe Toilet Seat Cover. And it comes from the unbelievably funny Tumblr: Pinterest, You Are Drunk. If you click through to that site, you can view a rather confronting collection of artistic projects that have fallen just short of functionality, or reasonableness or (frequently) remotely pleasing aesthetics.

When we originally scrolled through the blog, we thought that some of this stuff must have been made up. Or, you know, photographed solely for the purpose of getting it on the blog. “Surely, people aren’t actually Pinning this stuff?” We said.

But, just half an hour of scouring Pinterest taught us that we were wrong. Click through this gallery to get just a small taste of the many strange things that left us thinking: “Go home, Pinterest. You’re drunk.”

Are you a Pinterest user? Have you ever seen anything on there that’s just not quite right.

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