The politics of gift giving for children has gone a bit mad, after a book was rejected for not being a good enough present for a six-year-old.
Writer Liz Dashwood sent her son, Thomas, to a party with a wrapped-up book for his little friend, Marco.
But when Dashwood handed the gift to Marco’s mother it was rejected.
“She took it in one hand and gave it back to me in the other, saying, ‘Marco doesn’t really like books – anything else would be fine.’ And sort of gestured in the general direction of the shops,” Dashwood writes in an article for The Pool.
Need some shopping ideas for those hateful kids in your life? Post continues after video.
After experiencing the rude reaction to the gift, Dashwood said she started questioning her choice.
She started thinking: “Really, who am I to be dictating what her approach to books – or child-rearing – should be?
“What kind of dickhead gives an ‘improving’ gift? Why shouldn’t he have 30 lumps of tat for his birthday, if that’s what he wants?”
The British writer dug deep and began questioning the idea that books improve people’s lives but then held firm and hid the “improvement” gift on the present table.
“I give books.”
When this story was discussed in the Mamamia office this morning, many of us admitted we too give books – even to children.