
How this dad came to terms with his little boy wanting to be a girl

Maddi, Beck and Roland on the set of Insight

Of all the challenges Roland thought lay ahead when wife Beck gave birth to their second son, gender identity disorder wasn't one of them. By the time their third child came along, their joy was already overshadowed by the issues they were having with middle child Maddokk.

He seemed intent on doing everything differently from his older brother. He wanted nothing to do with boys toys, clothes and activities and would often hit himself 'to get the boy out'.

He started to wear girls clothes and play with girls toys and his parents allowed him to because it made him so happy. It soon became clear that while Maddokk was born a boy, he was actually identifying as a girl.

His parents made the brave decision to allow this transition to occur and support it in any way they could.

Two years ago Maddokk became Maddi and from the moment he was allowed to become a she, she changed from a disconnected and difficult child in to a normal, happy one.

Her parents informed the school and they were very supportive. The most opposition came from other parents who told their kids that changing from being a boy to a girl was 'wrong'. Some parents also complained that Maddi was being allowed to use the girls toilets.

Maddi is now seven and has fully transitioned into being a girl.

"The first Saturday that she was in complete girl costume I was lucky enough to be there and her face and looking at herself in the mirror, the joy was unbelievable," Roland said, chocking back tears.

The family appeared on Insight on SBS to share their story. They shared their journey from being told their child was just going through a 'phase' to accepting their second-born as their daughter.

Watch Maddi explain her situation in her own words.

Image credit: Insight on SBS

Do you know anyone with gender identity disorder? Would you be concerned if your child was diagnosed with the condition? 

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