
Friday's news in 5 minutes.

1. 12-year-old girl ‘kidnapped and raped’ by family friend before being thrown into a mineshaft.

A married father-of-two has been detained by Russian police after he allegedly kidnapped a 12-year-old girl before raping her and throwing her alive into a 100-metre deep mineshaft.

Viktoria Reymer went missing on January 26 after she went to visit her older sister in the city. She never arrived after she was supposed to take a bus, according to the Siberian Times.

It is alleged 40-year-old Evgeny Bukharin – who was a workmate of the girl’s late father – offered the girl a ride on his snowmobile after seeing her waiting for the bus, before takig her to his house, where he sexually assaulted her.


Investigators allege he then took the girl to the mineshaft and “threw her into it”. She died “from injuries to the head, neck and chest”.

Initially the man claimed he had accidentally hit and killed the girl with his snowmobile, and had disposed of her body in a panic.

Bukharin is being arrested on charges of rape and murder.

2. ‘Hero’ teacher tried to save students in Sydney school stabbing.


A 16-year-old student has been charged with wounding with intent to murder and two counts of wounding a person with intent to cause grievous bodily harm after he allegedly stabbed three people at his Sydney high school.

The student allegedly walked into a classroom before stabbing a 15-year-old female student in the back, and a 16-year-old male student in the chest, reports.

Science teacher Carolyn Cox, 48, was also stabbed in the back while trying to break up the attack.

A female student told Daily Mail Australia that Ms Cox was trying to tame the alleged perpetrator when she was stabbed.

“He [alleged attacker] just lost it and pulled out the knives and the teacher got in the middle of it. She got in the middle and tried to break it up and got caught in the cross fire,” she said.

The 16-year-old boy was arrested in a carpark near the school. A knife, a meat cleaver, a Stanley knife and scissors were allegedly dropped at the scene.

He was handcuffed and escorted to Fairfield Police Station for questioning.

It is alleged he told police, “I didn’t kill anyone…you have to tell my brother”, Fairfax reported.

Ms Cox and the injured male student were transported to Liverpool Hospital, while the 15-year-old female student was taken to Westmead Hospital.

All three are in stable conditions and have not sustained life-threatening injuries.


Superintendent Peter Lennon said the reasons behind the attack were not yet known.

“We’re not sure what it is that occurred that led to the [multiple] stabbing….[the accused] is not known to the police or to the school principal in any fashion,” he told reporters.

“This is not terrorism related. This is a local issue at a local school.”

3. Autopsy reveals a baby took five days to starve to death after both parents died from a drug overdose.


An autopsy has revealed that a baby girl took five days to starve to death after both of her parents died from a drug overdose, The Mirror reports.

Five-month-old Summer Chambers died of dehydration and starvation in her Pennsylvania home in December after her parents – Jason Chambers, 27, and 19-year-old Chelsea Carder – overdosed on fentanyl, a drug that is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine.

Their deaths were found to be accidental, but Summer’s death has been ruled a homicide.

Police were called to the family’s home just one month before the tragedy after Chambers overdosed and had to be revived.

Child and Youth Services officials determined the house was appropriate for Summers to live in because “was plenty of food and the child seemed well taken care of”.

4. Donald Trump defends comments after labelling the Australian refugee deal “dumb”.


President Donald Trump has defended calling the proposed refugee deal between the US and Australia as “dumb” after a tense phone call with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, ABC reports.

After news broke that the phone call between the two world leaders had ended ‘badly’, Trump tweeted to his 23 million followers that he would “study” the “dumb deal”.

“Do you believe it? The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Why?” he wrote.

The proposed deal would see the US resettle about 1250 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru.

Now, Trump is maintaining that he has “a lot of respect for Australia” but that the deal was “a problem”.

“For whatever reason Obama said that they were going to take probably well over a thousand illegal immigrants who were in prisons and they were going to bring them and take them into this country and I said why,” he said.

“I just wanted to ask a question of you — why? 1250… it could be 2000 it could be more than that…I said why, why are we doing this. What is the purpose? So we will see what happens.”


Yesterday, it was reported that Trump told Turnbull that agreeing to the deal would “kill him politically”.

This, despite Turnbull confirming to the National Press Club earlier in the week that the agreement would go ahead.

“The Trump administration has committed to progress with the arrangements to honour the deal… and that was the assurance the President gave me when we spoke on the weekend,” Mr Turnbull said.

5. Gastro hits 90 passengers on cruise ship travelling from Brisbane.


90 passengers on a Sun Princess cruise travelling on a 12-day round trip from Brisbane to Papua New Guinea have fallen ill with gastro, 7 News reports.

The outbreak spread across the ship in the second-half of the trip.

One passenger told 7 News that “a whole family” had been affected by the virus.

Norovirus is highly contagious and can last up to three days. Symptoms include vomiting and diarrhoea.

There were significant delays for new passengers boarding the ship, before it departed for a 14-day New Zealand cruise.

“The ship and terminal were thoroughly cleansed during today’s turnaround,” the cruise liner said in a statement to 7 News.

“The ship was already on heightened alert because norovirus has been active in the general community in Australia in recent months. Embarking guests were advised of a short delay in boarding.”

6. Man who attacked schoolgirl in her own home says he is an “ice zombie” with no memory of the attack.


A 31-year-old man who broke in to a Melbourne schoolgirl’s home and assaulted her claims he has no memory of the attack because he was in an “ice zombie” trance.

Davit Bulduk pleaded guilty to the attack and a second rape that occurred two months earlier, reports 7 News.

The court heard that Bulduk stalked the girl’s home for four hours in February 2016 before he broken in and committed the assault.

His lawyer told the court that at the time of the attack he had a “raging $300 a day” ice addiction which has affected his memory of the incident.

The victim told the court, via a victim impact statement, that she “kept showering and washing my body with flashbacks in my head” after the assault.

Bulduk is due to be sentenced at a later date.

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