
Presley was 10 years old when she received her first shotgun. She cried tears of joy.

Less than two weeks ago a teenager walked into his former high school and killed 17 people.

The incident has sparked international debate about America’s lax gun laws and it’s propelled people across the US into action.

Now a video has emerged online of a young girl crying with excitement as she opens her first shotgun.

Understandably, it’s upset a lot of people.

The video, which was actually recorded and posted online in January last year, shows 10-year-old Presley opening a package given to her by her parents.

10-year-old Presley cries tears of joy as she opens her very first shotgun.

Video via Beretta

She immediately recognises the blue casing of the Beretta 686 Silver Pigeon shotgun and is overcome with emotion.

“Oh my goodness, this is crazy. Oh my, I can’t breathe,” she says into the camera.

She then says “thank you”, as a man, presumably her dad, explains he picked out a gun to suit her size.

Presley then cries tears of happiness as she unwraps the gun.

Beretta shared the video on their Facebook page in January last year, calling it “touching”.


“She opens the Beretta box. Her reaction will make you cry,” the post reads.

“A touching video sent by Presley’s parents, shows the emotional moment when she realises she finally has her very own 686 Silver Pigeon. It’s what we call #BerettaJoy.”

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The video has re-emerged in the wake of the Majory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, with many people finding it disturbing.

“Honestly one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen! Those people should be ashamed of themselves,” one person commented on Facebook.

“Clearly what every little girl needs. Something to kill with. Charming,” added someone else.

“I thought she’d unwrapped a musical instrument,” another person added. “Imagine my disgust when I saw it was gun.”

While others weren’t concerned by the video.

“I don’t see any problem with her learning how to be responsible with a gun at a young age. That’s what I was brought up from, and so will my kids if they want to,” one person explained.

“All of you saying that this video is disturbing are complete idiots and you just don’t have a clue! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with raising kids to respect and enjoy firearms,” added another commentator.

“My daughters have guns,” a mum added. “They plink targets. They have control, fantastic eye coordination and respect for what a gun can do.”

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