The father of a 15-year-old Irish girl who committed suicide after being taunted for her hair colour has called for discrimination against redheads to be made a hate crime.
Helena Farrell was living in England when she was bullied to death. The family moved there in 2001 hoping to provide their children with more opportunities to build their future. Instead they are mourning the loss of their beautiful girl.
Enda Farrell told the Mirror: “People need to realise that when they say the things they do, it can have deeply traumatising effects and can lead to self-harm and suicide. Helena’s death was not just because of it but the bullying she faced all her life certainly contributed.”
Bullying of redheads has escalated in recent years, there’s even a deplorable Kick a Ginger Day, inspired by the American South Park cartoon. The latest Kick A Ginger Day, which occurred last month, saw many redheaded children either assaulted in playgrounds in the UK and US or pulled out of school for the day by concerned parents.
Juanita McNairn from Ottowa, Canada, said: “My son was beside himself. He was delaying getting out of bed and when it came down to the crunch he just burst into tears and told me about the whole ginger thing.”
Luke Roberts of the Anti-bullying Alliance told the Independent attacks against people for the way they look, even just unusual hair colour, is prejudice. “For people with ginger hair bullying seems to be acceptable – the norm. That’s what makes it totally inappropriate.”
Helena’s death is yet to be ruled a suicide. An inquest into the tragedy is currently underway.
If your child is being bullied urge them to contact the Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800.
Let’s celebrate everything ginger with a gallery of our favourite redhead celebrities and send in your photo to
Have you ever been taunted about your hair colour?