
A 12-year-old chess champ was forced from a competition for her "seductive dress".

A 12-year-old girl was kicked out of a chess tournament in Malaysia halfway through competition after a referee deemed her dress was “too distracting”.

Writing on Facebook, the young girl’s coach said she was left “harassed and humiliated” by the man’s actions.

“In the middle of Round 2, (without stopping the clocks) Chief Arbiter informs my student that the dress she wore was improper and have violated the dress code of the tournament,” the coach, Kaushal Kal, wrote.

He said the student and her mother were later informed that the tournament’s director had deemed her dress to be “seductive” and said it was a “temptation from a certain angle far, far away”.

The girl’s coach shared an image of what the girl was wearing at the time:

Does this look "seductive" to you? Image via Facebook.

In the words of Kaushal Kal, the tournament's ruling is "completely ridiculous".

But the saga wasn't over yet.

"After some discussion, Chief Arbiter had conceded and apologised to my student, personally assuring her that there was nothing wrong with her attire, but due to Tournament Director's decision, he could not allow this dress to be worn," he continued.

"This discussion happened at around 10pm and Chief Arbiter gave them a choice to go to the mall nearby to buy a long slack for the next day 9.00am round. Due to the timing of this incident, it was impossible to get another attire in time for the 9.00am round next day, as all shops were already closed and wouldn't be open in time."

Kaushal Kal, the girl's coach, has shared the story on social media. Image via Facebook.

He said the girl was forced to withdraw from the tournament all together.

"This incident has resulted in loss of time and money which was invested before, during and after the tournament on coaching, registration fees, travelling, accommodation and other incurred cost," he wrote.

"This bright young girl was recently the champion of her district in MSS Kuala Lumpur and has shown tremendous potential in Chess. This incident has left her extremely disturbed, and embarrassed."

Kaushal Kal's post has already been shared over 3300 times, with many commenting that the tournament and its staff acted "unprofessionally".

"This is so, so wrong to this this innocent young girl," one chess fan wrote, while another commented, "I don't see anything wrong with the way she was dressed."

The coach said that he had never heard of any type of dress code issue like this in the twenty years he had been playing chess, and it now demanding a public apology from the tournament director and staff.

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