
The House of Hancock scenes Gina Rinehart didn't want you to see.

When they classified House of Hancock as a ‘drama,’ they had no idea…

The second (and final) episode of House of Hancock aired last night, with a Gina-Rinehart-approved disclaimer: “This program is a drama, not a documentary”.

That sentence is the result of an intense legal battle between Rinehart and Channel 9, where basically she took issue with how her horrendous loving family was depicted. She also forced them to edit out a number of scenes…

TOP: Peta Sergeant as Rose Porteous, and Sam Neil as Gina Rinehart’s father Lang Hancock in House of Hancock. BOTTOM: Robert Coleby as Frank Rhinehart alongside Mandy McElhinney as Gina Rinehart.


The big question is what Gina wanted deleted.

One of the scenes she wanted cut sounds a little bit amazing: It’s of her (played by Mandy McElhinney) walking slowly across the red dirt of the Pilbara as the landscape behind her explodes. This was the original ending to the series, but, like them mines, it’s gone.

The image arguably made Gina out to be a and ruthless business-woman/environment-destroyer, and she fought hard to have it axed by Channel Nine.

However the battle didn’t stop there.

Read more about it here: Look who’s set to play Gina Rinehart in the telemovie about her life…


On Friday afternoon, Rinehart made an urgent application to the Supreme Court of NSW seeking access to the entire episode. She claimed the second episode contained “injurious falsehoods, was defamatory, and breach consumer law,” News.com.au reports.

This was a scene not unlike the one which was cut.


Details of the settlement weren’t made public, but it is understood that there were several changes to Sunday night’s episode including the addition of the disclaimer alongside the warning that some details had been “fictionalised”.

Viewers were quick to give their take on the whole scenario, in a series of mini-reviews – or “tweets” as they are commonly known. Here are just a few…

Rinehart is said to be considering further legal action. Are we the only ones picturing her leaving her solicitor’s office with explosions in the background?


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