Take a deep breath.
Grab a cup of coffee. Or maybe just go for a whole pot because it’s time to have a grand old Stars Hollow celebration.
Netflix and producers for Warner Bros. Television have (finally) confirmed that Girlmore Girls will be coming back to our screens, for one last final time, with this funny tweet:
It’s left lots of people (like me) in a bit of tizzy about the whole thing, separating the rumours from the facts.
So far we know this:
1. The set is just the same, welcome back to Stars Hollow.
Lauren Graham has spilled on what the new set looks like.
“When I walked onto the set for the first time. We had to do a camera test and… the house. It’s on a different stage but it’s… the house. Alexis and I walked onto the set together and — I feel super emotional about a lot of it and I’m afraid I’m going to start crying at every turn — but walking onto that set really felt like something. It felt like a lot of time had passed and it felt like we were just there. It felt amazing.”
2. There have already been a lot of tears.
“It was just really emotional,” says Graham. “I don’t know what I’m allowed to say. There’s a line in the script about how time has passed and how that feels… and hanging over all of it is the absence of Ed [Herrmann, who played Gilmore patriarch Richard], which, obviously the revival addresses.
“But that’s where we’re all starting from, and it feels so real. It’s hard to be here without him. You notice so many friendly faces and then a few that are missing. But more than anything, we just can’t believe it. All of the things that had to happen for this to happen.”