
These are the gifts teacher really don't want you to buy them for Christmas this year.

The last school term of the year might have just started, but you can bet the last minute dash for teacher’s presents will be here before you know it.

Before you start making bulk deliveries of chocolates or novelty mugs wrapped in $2 paper (or gift bags, if you’re smart), GroupTogether surveyed 250 teachers to ask them exactly what presents they would be overjoyed to receive. They also asked which ones they’d rather you not waste your money on (in the nicest way possible, of course).

As you might have guessed, high on the ‘please god no more’ list are:

  • Scented candles,
  • Mugs,
  • Chocolates,
  • Edible gifts (due to expiry dates and dietary restrictions).

Toiletries and personal hygiene items were up high on the list too:

  • Hand cream,
  • Soaps,
  • Perfumes,
  • Body washes.

Pot plants were also on the no-go list, so unless you’re absolutely certain your child’s teacher is a devoted plant-parent, nix the cute cactus or potted succulent which will probably be dead by the start of next year’s first term.

Now for the present teacher’s actually want, we have some good news. The most highly requested gift was just a card with some thoughtful words of appreciation. Why are teachers so amazing?

Otherwise 74 per cent of teachers surveyed said they’d prefer a group gift and preferably a gift card or voucher so the teacher can choose for themselves.

Other popular present ideas which made the list include:

  • Gold Class movie tickets,
  • An experiential gift (like a bridge climb),
  • A present for the classroom, that students can pick with the teacher.

So to summarise – if in doubt, go with a heartfelt card, but for the love of interactive chalkboards, please stop with the scented candles… PLEASE.

We love our teachers, but here are just some of the things they would never say. Ever.

Video by MMC

Do you have any favourite tips for buying teacher presents that they’ll actually use and keep? Hit us with your best suggestions in the comments.

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