It was the great writer Maya Angelou who once said, “People won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.”
These words couldn’t ring truer for a group of teachers who shared the simple gestures students have made that brightened their day.
The touching exchange began on anonymous forum Reddit when one user asked: “Teachers of Reddit, what simple gesture from a student brightened up your shitty day?”
More Than Hello
“It’s as simple as a student having an honest conversation with me. Many high schoolers are extremely closed off towards adults (never more than “hi”, don’t really make eye contact etc). It’s nice when a student will stop by your office just to talk or to ask advice on something.”
A Little Aid Goes A Long Way
“In the middle of teaching a math lesson to my fourth graders, I got a paper cut. I said ouch, and then spent a grand total of about two seconds looking down to examine the damage. When I looked up, one little boy was already standing in front of me holding a band aid. So darn sweet.”
Plastic and Perfect
"A kid came up to me one day, hugged me, told me they loved me, and gave me a necklace with those little plastic letter beads on it that spelt out my name. I still have that necklace."