People always have a lot of sympathy for new mums, don’t they? It makes sense – they’re knackered because they’ve been up in the night feeding, changing nappies or trying to coax a windy baby back to sleep.
We reassure new mums that it will get better and it often does, at least in the short term. But where does that sympathy go when you are stuck with a toddler who has become a right pain in the arse at night? Suddenly those newborn days seem almost preferable, because at least small immobile humans don’t kick you in the head and demand you make them jam toast whilst doing an impression of a cat at 2:45 AM.
If you were to ask me “How are your kids at sleeping?” I would say “Hmm ok. Not great, but okish… you know, depending on the day. Actually. Often. A bit crap.”
If they both sleep through the night and neither one gets up until 6am then it is a big win. I cannot remember the last time that this happened. At the moment, our main problem is our littlest’s habit of appearing in our room and scaring the sh*t out of us in the middle of the night (I say us but tbh his father is mostly unaware).