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We do a lot of things to our hair that it probably doesn’t love. We dye it, we straighten it, we blast it with blow dryers and tug on it with barrel brushes. We take it out in the middle of the Sydney storm because we can’t go another second without coffee, gale force winds be damned…
One thing we don’t do regularly is apologise to our hair. Which would be fine if it was any other kind of dead protein growing out of our bodies (I know, it’s gross, but that’s just what hair is #sorrynotsorry). But when it comes to our head-blanket, we should be a little kinder. Mostly because if we’re not, it will exact fluffy, split-ended vengeance upon us.
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Steve Schiel, Scientific Director for P&G, explains: “People are less and less patient with seeing results, so making sure that you notice something from a product initially is important. With hair especially… Hair is dead, it isn’t going to repair itself, so there’s a sense that whatever’s going to happen to it is going to happen now.”
It’s that ‘instant gratification’ philosophy that led Schiel and his team to the development of the ultimate quick-fix hair apology, a treatment from Pantene called the Three Minute Miracle.
“Typically when we develop products, we think about them in two ways. You have to have the chronic benefits, those are the things that build up over time. Because some things take time. Then you have acute benefits, those are signals that are built into the product so people notice something.” (Post continues after gallery.)